May 19—21, 2011


Updated: February 28, 2011
We are down to less than three months before the reunion starts. We are very excited with the turn out from our company and others who know of us or served near Vassincourt. We have an excellent location, a reasonable building time for the agenda and great folks to attend this reunion. The enthusiastic reception received from the commanding general promise a good and enjoyable time for all. We plan to send to each of you an official registration form, so please send your mailing address to: donrix@peoplepc.com
There are a few last things that we need to mention before the reunion: If you have not yet decided to attend, but would still like to come to the reunion, here are some actions to take. The sooner you make your declaration to attend, the better we can arrange for and make important major decisions. If you are NOT going to stay at the hotel but will be at a local RV/Camp site, let us know. Room rate gurantee for the reunion is $64.99, plus 10.975 percent tax.
Reservations billing will be on an "Individual on Own" basis, which means you must make your own reservations. When you do this, please state that you are with the 97th Engineer Battalion (Construction) 2011 Reunion.
We have a hospitality suite or room reserved, compliments of the hotel, if we have ten rooms booked. This room will serve as a meeting-gathering place, probably with a set time to be open. Your host point-of-contact is Ron Stilley, with Chris Orndorff helping out.
Installation staff personnel will prepare for us an itinerary and make it available for each attendee. Our joint ininerary activities will focus on Friday, May 20, and Saturday, May 21, for not more than six to seven hours duration during the day. Keep in mind that if you decide to make reservations at a hotel other than the one selected as our base of operation, you must come to that base hotel for bus transportation to Fort Wood on Friday and Saturday events. The reunion officially starts on May 19, which is a day to meet and get to know one another, hopefully in a Hospitality Suite or room, with that day being set aside to settle in (any other activities planned on your own).
Our official time with the army starts on Friday and ends Saturday evening. If you need to speak with me, don't hesitate to call: 256-301-1536 (leave a message if I am out).
Please make a reservation with Super 8 Motel, St. Robert (use the link above) and then contact me via e-mail: donrix@peoplepc.com. When you call, please identify ourselves as the 97th Engineer Battalion Reunion. At this point, you will have to make your own reservations and also (possibly) donate a small amount to help with hospitality suite favors and drinks (It appears we will not need a reunion fee). We need the head count as soon as possible in order to plan for various activities, too. Below are briefing items that could change as new and more complete information flows in, so keep checking back. The latest update date will always be posted:
- The rueunion committee is in place. Wihtout participation and division of necessary work, this reunion will not be as interesting and enjoyable as it should. If you have ideas, please let us know.
- Once you have made your hotel reservations, we need to know if you or anyone attending with you has any special needs, i.e. wheel chair accessible, etc. If you do, please contact either Terry Wilkes (tnnwilkes@hotmail.com) or me (donrix@peoplepc.com), or by phone (256) 301-1536.
- In that same desire to accommodate everyone, we need to know if you have any special dietary needs for the reunion dinners, i.e., gluten free, Vegan, etc., please let us know.
- For those attending, we plan a Friday night informal dinner gathering and a dinner buffet banquet on Saturday evening on Fort Wood. Terry Wilkes is the point-of-contact for the Saturday evening meal. We need a count of how many want to have (menu choices to be determined) for an entrée for that meal. If dinners for both Friday and Saturday are buffets, with many choices, we will not need a type meal count for either of those meals, but for planning we will need to know how many will attend.
- If you have any interest in playing golf, if you would like to golf with other engineers, someone please volunteer to cordinate that activity.
- We have some people interested in RV and camping accommodations. Anyone willing to help coordinate this area please contact either Terry Wilkes or me. We will also need to know if you possess a retired military ID, if you stay at on post locations.
- Anyone interested in a Sunday breakfast as we depart, you will find the hotel breakfast only adequate. You might want to plan a smaller group breakfast at local restaurants
- The weather this time of the year will see temperatures in the mid 70’s during the day and the mid 50’s at night.
- The dress for the entire reunion is casual. Dress comfortably, and bring walking shoes. The banquet on post should be respectably casual. Certainly, golf shirts and trousers for the men and slacks or dresses for the ladies would be appropriate for all of the events. We will order 97th Engineer t-shirts and hats and have them for pick-up at the hospitality suite. Let Don Ricks know your size and how many of each item offered (beige for the reunion, but white can be ordered).
- Don’t forget to bring your mementos and pictures from your tour in France (please mark them with your name and phone number for easy identification (if we get them mixed up). If you are going to leave them in the Hospitality Suite, which will be locked when unattended, you should have at least your name on whatever you bring. The Fort Wood museum requests a copy of any photographs you might have taken while at that installation. Please consider donating your photos to them.
- When you check into the hotel, make your next stop the Hospitality Suite, to check in with us (ask the front desk to point you in the right direction). We will have additional information available for you at that time. If you have any other questions or need any additional assistance for the reunion, please do not hesitate to contact me.
- Thursday, May 19, is a free day, and there are no planned activities (at this time). If you have an idea, please submit your suggestions. Use free this time on Thursday to get acquainted and to settle in. We start with planned activities on Friday through Saturday, including a banquet on Saturday evening at Pershing Community Center. Again, transportation is provided onto the installation, courtesy of the Commanding General, Fort leonard Wood.
Donald M. Ricks
Reunion Coordinator
For those thinking about flying into a local airport, Waynesville-Fort Leonard Wood Airport (TBN) is right on Fort Wood property. It is a joint public/military use airport, and they have rental cars available. On the map, look at the lower center part, west of the words: Fort Leonard Wood. There is an airport symbol atop the airport. Here is a Google Earth orientation map of the Fort Leonard Wood-St. Robert area (search: Waynesville-Fort Leonard Wood Airport (TBN):
Here is a graphic rendition of the crest logo on a white hat:

Here is the t-shirt logo graphic on a white shirt (front of shirt only):

Put them together, and you have this for the t-shirt and hat combination (this one is beige color):

The graphic depiction at this web site fairly accurately shows what the beige t-shirt and hat would look like. The white graphics above the t-shirt and hat combination is also accurate.
We need to get a vote from you as to that color t-shirt and hat we want, white or beige, or a combination of the two. He says that either choice would be fine with him. Cost os t-shirts include a local tax:
- Without add-on fees, each hat will cost $11.00.
- Without add-on fees, each t-shirt size small through XL will cost $9.50.
- Without add-on fees, each t-shirt size XXL and above will cost $11.50.
I have contracted for 40 t-shirts and 20 hats, as a minimum to secure these prices..
Currently there are 21 hats on order and 27 t-shirts, but I expect more after this email. If not, to make up for the remainder of the 40 t-shirts minimum not ordered, I plan to purchase only 13 additional t-shirts (1ea. XXL, 7ea. XL, and 5ea. L, unless you send in orders for another size). All the work is done; we just have to give him our count, which could exceed out minimum number.
That means I have committed to purchase on our behalf $625 worth of hats and t-shirts, which I will either bring to the reunion or send out to you via mail. Those who order and ask for shipment will be charged an actual mailing amount to your stated address.
The producer and I agreed that he will have our order ready for delivery not later than May 6, if not sooner. We have enough time for anyone to make their decision and send in your order, but he said the sooner the better. He gets busy in the spring and summer.
So, please vote for your choice of color. It is only my opinion that the majority should decide the color, because we probably want to all have the same color at the reunion. Your opinion, please. The beige item selection would mean our crest would have a beige field, where the field is normally white. The white one would stand out as sharper in appearance, as you might see
Hats are one-size-fits-all, and t-shirts can be ordered in your individual size (S, M, L, XL, XXL). If you have questions, call me at 256-301-1536.