220th Reconnaissance Airplane Company
Second Quarterly 2006 CATCOM E-Newsletter
updated June 20 (evening)
and Family,
and all Friends
and Brothers in Arms,
in memory of those who have served
Here is an update to the price list for rooms at South Shore Harbor Resort: Rooms: Make your room reservation at the prestigious South Shore Harbor Resort by e-mailing them at: http://www.reservations@sshr.com, or phone them at 281.334.1000 now. Be sure to mention that you are with the "220th Reconnaissance Airplane Company group." The specially negotiated room rates will be available until September 14, 2006.
Room Single Rate Double Rate Floors 2, 3, 4 $99.00 $99.00 Floors 5,6,7,8,9 $102.00 $102.00 Floors 10,11 $112.00 $112.00 Current tax and local occupancy tax (subject to change): 12%
Results of the April reunion team meeting in Houston will follow soon!
Our Catkiller reunion team recently met in Houston to discuss and make solid plans for the scheduled October, 2006, reunion. Here is a nice result from an excellent photo opportunity. Note the background! The photo provides more than a hint that this will be an enjoyable and fun-filled location for our reunion. Details to follow:
Norman MacPhee sent in this note and asked about unit members from 1965-1967:
"I am trying to reach members of the Danang Platoon, 220th Aviation Co.... Catkillers from the period 1965-67.... for the purpose of alerting them to the reunion in Houston during October, 2006.
Those members I already have contact with are: Jim Morris (Lt), Don Medley (CWO), Ron Santos, (CWO) Brinkley (Lt), Ray Alexander (Lt), Joe Hodges (Lt).
The guys I remember that I would like to contact are: Chancellor (Capt), Teer (Capt.), Johnson (Lt.), Murray (Capt), ...and any others.
Norm MacPhee
normac9mile@earthlink.netGrayson Davis recently made contact with Paul Petty and Henry Milam and states they will be coming to the reunion.
To contact Paul, use the following e-mail: pettylawfirm@hotmail.com I talked with Paul in Searcy, Arkansas. He said that he would be [at the reunion] and would look around for some more people for us. Paul was in the 2nd platoon and left in June of 68.
Henry Milam can be reached at: henrymilam@aol.com.
Grayson L. DavisAnthony Gliszczynski, a Catkiller from the early 1970s, sent in this message on May 14:
My name is Anthony C. Gliszczynski, and I was part of the 220 RAC in Phu Bai, outside of Hue . I was there Jan. 1970 to Dec. 1970 . My primary MOS was motor pool and that's were I worked . I will e-mail you lots of pictures from there . I flew to Quantri a couple of times and also saw the YO3A when it came there . Like to keep in contact with all you guys and others that were there. My son e-mailed me this address, because he knew that I was there.
SP5 Anthony C. Gliszczynski
12 Banner Ave
Lancaster, New York 14086
This nice note came in from Patrick Webster, and he has posted some Catkiller film footage from Vietnam. I'm certain you'll find it interesting:
Last communicated with you prior to the 2003 reunion in Vegas. Wasn't able to attend that reunion then, and probably won't be able to get to the Houston gathering either due to prior commitments. I was with the 220th for a short period of about four months 69-70 after completing an assignment with the 21st RAC in DaNang. As I recall, I indicated in my email that I had some 8mm movie footage taken during my tour and I planned to get it transferred to DVD someday. Well, I finally got it done and some of it was taken while I was on my brief assignment with the Catkillers. I have a couple copies of the movie DVDs, but don't have the capability to make additional copies. The good news is that the footage is viewable on the internet. If you or other Catkillers are interested, it can be viewed at Home Movie Depot. After getting to the site, click on "achieves". Once there, enter "birddog" in the advance search area and click on it. The resulting web page content is guaranteed to bring back some pleasant memories of the time we each had as members of the Catkiller brotherhood!!
Hope this email finds you doing well. I have routinely kept up with your periodic Catkiller updates and was saddened to learn about your wife's passing. From the information you provided, it sounds like she was a great lady! Given the heartache her passing must been to you, and I am sure still is, it is a great credit to you, Don, that you have been able to continue with your newsletter. I am sure I speak for all other former Catkillers when I say how much I appreciate your dedication and perseverance. Your efforts have been of immeasurable importance in keeping the Catkiller spirit alive! God Bless you and best wishes for another successful reunion!!
Pat Webster (Catkiller 44)"
If you are unable to view the movies, you probably don't have a program installed to decode the film files. If that is the case, go to the following link to download and install a compatible version of Quicktime:
This note came from Charles Finch, who asks for your input: Please ask our members and friends to send their favorite VietNam song titles to me at CFINCH4444@aol.com so we can include them in the programs in Houston.
See you in Houston!
P.S. Hope you have made your reservations at South Shore Resort. Phone number is 800-442-5005.Editor's note: You can visit the resort's web site at:
Back in February, and before moving to Colorado, I met Bob Kilduff for lunch in Birmingham, Alabama. The only camera I had was a cell phone, which took fuzzy pictures (most likely because I couldn't hold it steady). Here is the best shot of Bob, but it doesn't do him justice. Bob is still one of the most pleasant and soft-spoken men I have ever met, and he has not changed in manner and personality since our flight school days. I enjoyed spending time with him and look forward to seeing him again in Houston:
Scott Cummings sent in the new web address for his Catkiller Home Page. Click on the address below (and bookmark it), please:
Click here to go to Catkiller Home Page
Our condolences and sympathy goes out to Lanny for the loss of his beloved sister, Julia.
CNN news provides an obituary article concerning Julia: CNN article
STROKE IDENTIFICATION:(article sent in by Chuck Goodrum, Catkiller 05)![]()
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm, Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die.
It only takes a minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.
RECOGNIZING A STROKE: (The first 3 letters of STROKE)Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK . To SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (I.e. . . It is sunny out today)
R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue... If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
Jerry DiGrezio sent around a useful link that could help you avoid long waits (and get to a human) while connecting to any of a long list of automated computer prompt locations (most commercial locations have these now-a-days). Thanks, Jerry:
This message came from Leon a few days ago, and he is now recovering well. What a gift of life to be able to make that go-see-the-doctor decision to have something abnormal checked out:
"Last week, I started having some pains in my left arm. I didn't think much about it at the time because that was no chest or neck pain with it. Went to the flea market and set up on Sat and it was getting worse. Went to the flea market on Sunday and it was still getting worse so after we got home, I decided to go get it checked out. Found out that I had a artery partially blocked on the right side of my heart. They did a catherization on Monday and put a stent in. I am fine now.
Please give me a couple of more days to get back to normal. If you are awaiting shirts, please be patient. I will get to them."
What a guy!
This past Memorial Day weekend, I traveled out into the western part of Colorado and visited the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, a beautiful sight, indeed. In fact, I was more impressed by this natural site than the Grand Canyon. The thing that really impressed me was the lifetime national park pass, called a Golden Age Passport, I purchased (yep, I'm 62 now) for only $10. This pass has many benefits, and to obtain one merely visit a national parks location and ask for it. You must show an acceptable ID, pay the small fee, and you (and most vehicle occupants) have a free pass to many locations for the rest of your life. See how happy I am?
My friend and conscientious Catkiller, Chuck Goodrum, has taken a step and lends his support to what I feel is a worthy cause and goal. His message speaks for itself, buy I want to also pass on his following comments which precedes his message to Senator Senator C. Saxby Chambliss (GA Republican). For more on Captain Robert Meadows, please visit the following site: Profile on Doctor Robert Meadows, a man highly involved in life.
This morning, I emailed messages to both of my Senators about helmet protection (not unlike inadequate Humvee armor). I copied one of the emails to you. Please visit the website --- http://operation-helmet.org .
Also, let my email be a contribution from me to the Catkiller Newsletter. If not my emails please place the website links and a word from you and me about Operation Helmet's efforts to protect our sons and daughters. My helmet saved my head in Vietnam when a rocket destroyed my O-1. My helmet protected my head when I crashed my bike in Memphis [Being an eyewitness to this event, I can fully agree with the contents and message of this last sentence. DMR].
I am contributing money to retro one Army helmet - 99 bucks. I want each Catkiller to do the same. We own it to ourselves and to the soldiers who are following our combat foot steps. You can quote me!!!
Chuck Goodrum"
In support of Chuck's initiative and concern, I would also like to add my sincere conviction that if not for my HJC Symax helmet protecting me during my July 2004 motorcycle accident, I would not be doing this newsletter today. Looking at my helmet afterwards, I was amazed at the fact that I did not have an injury to my head, let alone my brain. The helmet was a mess, but my head was untouched. Now, the message to his senator.
"Senator Chambliss,
Through the eye of C-SPAN and its Washington Journal show this morning, I discovered Operation Helmet. As a former Army service member with two combat tours in Vietnam, I am amazed, ashamed, and outraged as an American citizen and former military commissioned officer and aviator that, the men and women, whom the President elected to send to Iraq, have been transported into combat without proper personal protective head gear. Please, have your staff examine the efforts of Capt Robert Meadows and Operation-Helmet at this website. This circumstance reminds me of the inadequate armor of the Humvee. Have we as a nation lost out heads!! OR about to.
Setting aside the appropriateness of sending our soldiers to Iraq, I want to believe, that YOU as a father would not allow YOUR CHILDREN to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Certainly, as a US Senator and one of our National Fathers, YOU would not allow your "YOUR`NATION'S CHILDREN" (the men and women of our armed forces) to enter combat without more than adequate head gear. The helmet pads retro-fitted into the US combat helmet provided, not by the Pentagon, but by Operation Helmet must be adopted immediately. Capt Meadows indicated today on C-SPAN that the Pentagon does not have the money to retro-fit helmets. For the love of our soldier-children, lend your power as a US Senator to insure that the Pentagon allocates the money to do what Operation Helmet is doing, protect our warriors.
Chuck Goodrum
Kennesaw, GA"
Charles Finch shared some medical news regarding Jesse Morgan, who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. As many of you will recall, Jesse was our Mess Sergeant at the 220th RAC. Here is what Charles wrote:
"Just heard from Jesse Morgan. He has prostate cancer and has decided to get a seed implant next month. He lives in Jacksonville, FL. Jesse was our mess sgt at Phu Bai, in case you have forgotten.
I am sure he would appreciate some words of support particularly those of you who have undergone treatment for prostate cancer.
His email address is: TaterMo29@aol.com.
Charles Finch
Jesse send this to add to Charles' comments:
"They found the cancer very early, and my doctor said there would be no problem to treat it. I will have the seed inserted into my prostate in August. I am sure all will go well. I thank you for your prayers . Jesse ( Mess Sgt) "
Jesse, all of us join in wishing you well. Please pray for Jesse and, as Charles suggested, let him know we very much want to know his progress.
At this time in 2003 we had considerable message traffic and building interest in our reunion, and it would be a great experience to witness the same level of enthusiasm and interest for our upcoming October meeting. Houston is a great town, with lots to do and see. Our attendance will increase with your interest, encouragement, and participation to help stir up our lost members. Please start calling, e-mailing, and messaging those you know. Send in articles for the newsletter, help locate a lost member, or anything that would help gather an even larger crowd than we had in Las Vegas. Let's Roll!