FORT RILEY, KANSAS, 3–4 May 2015,
Photographs courtesy of BG Michael A. LePeilbet
The purpose of the reunion was to dedicate a miniture version of the battalion’s original plaque that now hangs in the Regimental Room of the Engineer Museum at Fort Leonard E. Wood, Missouri, in a ceremony with Dr. Robert Smith, Director, Fort Riley museums.
Through the efforts of BG Michael A. LePeilbet, J. Neil Jednoralski, Lloyd Mullins (wife, Jacqueline), Ray Scrimpsher (wife, Judy), Bill Schoonover, Vernon Orme, and a host of others at Fort Riley, that task was accomplished in a No Task Too Great manner! Accompanying photographs are in order of the ceremony and descriptive comments are provided by General LePeilbet. The 97th Engineer Battalion inactivated at Fort Riley, Kansas, on 22 October 1971.

Guest speaker for the banquet and dedication event was LTC Alexander “Xander” L. Bullock, Commander, 82nd Engineer Battalion (the dedication ceremony was conducted by LTC Bullock, assisted by Lloyd Mullins):

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