Third Quarterly 97th Engineer Newsletter, 2014:
Updated: 25 September 2014
Arthur Richards served 1960–62 at Toul, France, and contacted Larry Castleman and is now on the roster.
Frank L. Lynch, who served with the 32nd Engineer Group at Verdun, 1961–63, joined our roster. Welcome, Frank and Arthur,
Terrance "Terry" Johnson, who served with the 97th Engineer Battalion during 1967–68, is now on the roster and will attend the reunion.
Thomas F. Jelen, who was part of the 97th EBC at Ft. Riley, KS from March 1969 to March 1970, checked in with us and had registered to attend the reunion.
Vernon Orme, who served at Pirmasens and at Fort Riley, 1967–1969, contacted us via the reunion registration form and is now signed up for the reunion.
James Browning also signed up via the registration form, which proves others are watching and reading about our reunion. James served at Verdun during 1955–58.
Max Janow emailed Larry castleman and is now on our roster. Max served at Toul during1956–58 and 1960–1963
We look forward to seeing all of you at the reunion.

Please visit the latest updated 2014 Reunion Brief page located on the left side Great Task Bar (only file under REUNIONS). Make your reservation at our reunion hotel as soon as possible so we can save those rooms, and after doing that please review the list below. If there is no indication beside your family name that shows you have Reserved and Registered, a message to either Larry Castleman or Don Ricks will correct the oversight. Our reunion starts on 2 October (some will be there on 1 October), most will likely arrive after noon; the last official function planned is the plaque dedication ceremony, which will most likely end after 10—11 PM on the evening of 4 October.
2014 97TH ENGR BN REUNION ATTENDEE LIST: Updated 23 September
NAME: (please let us know when you have reserved your room; registration instructions form now available in the 2014 Reunion Brief)
- ACHÉE, MITCHELL, (son of Colonel Fernard M. Achée, Jr.) (Reserved, Registered)
- ACHÉE, ANNIE (Wife) (Reserved, Registered)
- CARTER, (née ACHÉE) DENI (sister; graduate, Verdun High School, Class of 1965) (Reserved, Registered) Share–a–ride request to St Louis, Oct 5
- BRANDER, BILL (Chaplain) (Reserved, Registered)
- BRANDER, TRUDY (Reserved, Registered)
- BROWNING, JAMES (Registered)
- BURDETTE, LEE (Registered, Reserved)
- BURDETTE, FRAN (wife) (Registered, Reserved)
- CASTLEMAN, LARRY L (Reserved, Registered)
- CASTLEMAN, KATHRYN (Reserved, Registered)
- DOWNEY, WILLIAM R., II, (served in Philippines as the unit inactivated following WWII) (Registered, will decicate the Bn plaque)
- DUPONT, STEPHEN, (son of LTC Albert Dupont) (Reserved, Registered)
- DYSON, JAMES (Reserved, Registered)
- DYSON, PATRICIA (Reserved, Registered)
- FARMER, DAN (service veteran friend of Stephen Dupont)(Reserved, Registered)
- FARRIS, JESSE (Registered) Local resident
- FARRIS, NATALIA (Registered) Local resident
- HEVERIN, BRIAN (Reserved, Registered)
- JACOBSON, JIM (Reserved, Registered)
- JACOBSON, PAT (Reserved, Registered)
- JANOW, MAX (Will Register at the Reunion)
- JANOW, STELLA (Will Register at the Reunion)
- JEDNORALSKI, J NEIL (Reserved, Registered)
- JELEN, TOM (Reserved, Registered)
- JELEN, BARB (Reserved, Registered)
- JOHNSON, TERRY (Reserved, Registered)
- JOHNSON, COLLEEN (Reserved, Registered)
- KENDRICK, CSM BUTLER J. (Engineer Regimental Command Sergeant Major, DINNER GUEST,
- COCHRAN, KEVIN D. driver for Regimental CSM (Dinner Guest)
- KOCSIS, STEVE (Reserved, Registered)
- KOCSIS, CAROL (Reserved, Registered)
- LePEILBET, MICHAEL (Reserved, Registered)
- MULLINS, JACQUELINE (Registered, local)
- MULLINS, LLOYD (Registered, local)
- NACCARO, REMY (Reserved, Registered)
- ORME, VERNON (Reserved, Registered)
- PANTOJA, ROBERT (Reserved, Registered)
- PANTOJA, LINDA (Reserved, Registered)
- PATTERSON, GORDON (Pat) (Registered)
- PATTERSON, LINDA (Registered)
- RICKS, DONALD M (Reserved, Registered)
- COLWELL, DONNA ANN (Reserved, Registered)
- ROTC CADET (Color Guard Guest) (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO)
- ROTC CADET (Color Guard Guest) (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO)
- ROTC CADET (Color Guard Guest) (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO)
- ROTC CADET (Color Guard Guest) (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO)
- ROTC CADET (Color Guard Guest) (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO)
- SCHOONOVER, BILL (Registered)
- SCHOONOVER, RUTH (Registered)
- SCRIMPSHER, JUDY (Registered, Registered)
- SCRIMPSHER, RAY (Registered, Registered)
- SMITH, DR. ROBERT, Director of the Fort Riley Museums (DINNER GUEST)
- STROTHER, MARILYN (Registered, Reserved)
- STROTHER, PHILIP (Registered, Reserved)
- THEISEN, DAVID COLONEL, GUEST SPEAKER, Assistant Commandant , U.S. Army Engineer School
- WILKES, TERRY G. plus two (daughter, Edith Tommie, and granddaughter Elli) (Reserved, Registered)
- TOMMIE, EDITH (Reserved, Registered)
- ELLIE (W/WILKES) (Reserved, Registered)
- WILKES, NORI (Reserved, Registered)
- WORKMAN, GEORGE (Reserved, Registered)
- WORKMAN, ANNA GAIL(Reserved, Registered)
Lloyd Mullins, Chairman of the Plaque Committee, received a message from the Army Engineer Association. The design plans shared by their office shows an outstanding plaque production design that all should be proud to hang in the Regimental Room during our reunion. We expect AEA to deliver a final design representation once we submit the final amount due, and we will share that with everyone here at the newsletter once received.
Our costs were held down because we submitted complete design plans, graphics and drawings. The final cost is $2,500, and since we have $2,400 that leaves only a $100 to raise. If you wish to help by donating that plus a few dollars more than what is needed to pay for the plaque and take part in a few incidentals that the committee will have during the reunion and dinner, please send any amount to the following address, with the check made out to Lloyd Mullins (he is sending a check for the additional $500 today in order to get the plaque production under way). Send the check to Lloyd at:
- 1329 Dale Drive
- Lexington KY 40517
- or call Lloyd at (859) 948-1434 and speak with him
UPDATE: 11 August:
The plaque is now at the Engineer Museum and is paid for.
This is an after the fact briefing on an important matter of which we were not previously aware. Rather than initially soliciting funds to complete another important part of the typical plaque dedication ceremony, BG Michael LePeilbet decided to take positive action and ordered the item. There are numerous unit flags hanging in the Regimental Room, and the previously unknown matter is to also dedicate an approved unit flag installed in the museum under the production authority of the United States Army Institute of Heraldry. The cost for the 97th Engineer Battalion unit colors flag is $650, which General LePeilbet has already submitted. However, I asked our chairman of the plaque committee, Lloyd Mullin, if we could continue the plaque donation effort to cover the stated cost from our still–open plaque fund. We would, of course, reimburse General LePeilbet with the donations, and the contributor’s name will be posted along with others on the plaque donation list. Your participation, while not required, will be appreciated and acknowledged.
If anyone wishes to donate to help pay the cost of the flag already on order please send your tax deductible donation made out to the AEA to Lloyd at the address provided above.
Names of contributors will soon be posted, if there are no objections.
For any engineer who wish to have a set of our battalion crests this is your opportunity:
I still have a number of newly manufactured 97th Engr Crests, for sale. If I can attend the reunion, after hip replacement surgery at the Wichita, Kansas, Dole Hospital, I will bring what I have left, or contact me for single or a pair of crest. Email: Neil Jednoralski
Neil J
Several months ago I received a computer disk from T. Brian Heverin containing a remarkable collection of photographs and many that were not previously published. Below are a few of those photographs, but we also have new photos from Husterhoeh Kaserne courtesy of Brian (LTC Dupont’s history page):

LTC Harold L. Myron, Commander, 97th Engineer Battalion (Const) Staff, 1966–1967

Attached to another email message from Morgan T. Morris III was the best photographs we have of LTC Harold L. Myron. Morgan has many excellent, high definition photographs in his collection and agreed to first share them with the Engineer Museum at Fort Leonard Wood, which means that we will also receive from the museum a copy for the 97th EBC web site (below is an additional example, too):

Several months ago I received an email from Mark Wehrspann, Platoon Commander, Company B, 97th EBC, 1968–69. With apologies to Mark, I placed that email in a suspense folder and then summarily (with regret) forgot about it amidst a lot of activity. Pulling that email out today I can share two files with you, the first being a promotion photograph. If I had the original photo it is possible we could know one or two others in that line; their nametags are not readable in this photo, no matter how I manipulate it. Also attached is the 97th EBC 35th Anniversary Organizational Day 1968 order and sequence of events in PDF format:
In addition to the assignment of 1LT Mark A. Wehrspann within Special Orders 192, dated 12 September 1968, was 2LT George J. Serencko, CE, assigned as Platoon Commander for C Company. Special Orders 90, paragraph 30, shows Mark released from active duty effective 4 May 1969. The Constructor newsletter includes a file statement regarding a missing promotion photo in the March–February 1969 edition, thus the speculation that the above photo is likely the same. Special Order 90 also shows release from active duty, 2 May 1969, of SP4 James O. Buckingham, Jr., Co A., of Sterling, Illinois; and SP5 Gary S. Burnett, HHC, of Kansas City, Missouri.
We received a brief note and a fuzzy photo today notifying us that the Engineer Museum received the final production model of our plaque for the dedication planned for October 4 during our reunion banquet. The size of this plaque (and all others in the Regimental Room) is 18 by 24 inches. Donations are still being accepted to help pay committee expenses.
Lloyd Mullins, Plaque Committee Chairman:

LIBERTY - Mr. Brien Carrigan, 72, passed away Wednesday, July 30, 2014, at ARMC [cancer].
Omega Funeral Service and Crematory is entrusted with arrangements. Funeral Home Link
Funeral Home:
Omega Funeral Service & Crematory, LLC.
2120 May Drive Burlington, NC 27215
(336) 395-8326
Service arrangements are not yet announced.![]()
CASTLE COURIER, A Publication of the U.S. Army Engineer Museum:
Here attached is the latest Castle Courier from Fort Leonard Wood. Thanks to Troy Morgan, Director:
I am certain you will notice the newly added top layout graphic depicting four patches worn by the 97th EBC. The change was a logical one following information received from Colonel William Downey II, who will be at the reunion in Octrober to dedicate our engineer plaque and batalion colors. The patch worn by our unit while in the Philippines is shown below, but during a research of all available photographs made from activation to the inactivation while in the Philippines failed to produce a single photograph of a higher headquarters patch. Colonel Downey served as a Technician grade 5 (T/5) while in the Philippines and stated they never wore the PHILYCOM patch during his time in the unit but that some officers had that patch sewn onto their uniforms:

Desiring to maintain a balance on the graphic, I also added the 5th Army patch the unit wore while at Fort Leonard Wood in the early 1950s.
Finally, as a result of significant informational documents and orders received from Colonel Downey, the our Chapter II history page, In The Pacific, is now updated:
With a big thank you to John W. Ford, Company A, 97th EBC, Verdun, France, 1963–66, we have a photo of an outstanding officer with whom John served. Allison retired a Lieutenant Colonel and is buried at Arlington National cemetery:

Source: The Black in Crimson and Black: A History and Profiles of African Americans at SDSU (PDF)

Burial: Search: Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, USA, Plot: Sec 60 Site 5312
Lloyd Mullins, our Plaque Committee Chariman, submitted this report of contributors and asked me to convey his sincere thanks and appreciation for the encouraging words and financial support. Without your involvement the 97th Engineer Battalion would not be appropriately represented in the prestigious Regimental Room effective October 4, when we dedicate the plaque and install the flag in its rightful place.
Ronald Ropel Chris Orndorff Larry Castleman Gordon Patterson Lloyd Mullins Michael A LePeilbet J. Ray Scrimpher Donald M. Ricks Terry Wilkes Ancil Pressley Lee Burdette Ralph Nottingham Philip Strother |
Remy Naccaro Frank Champagne Joe Greear Gilbert Rotenberry James Jacobson Morgan Morris Lowell Siegele Steve Kocsis Thomas E Gioiosa Neil Jednoralski Stephen Dupont James Jacobson |
Lee Burdette Ray Scrimpsher Michael A Lepeilbet Lloyd Mullins |
If you contributed and your name is not on the list, please contact Lloyd Mullins. If you wish to donate to either fund, you may also contact Lloyd Mullins. Donations are generally tax deductible, depending upon you tax situation.
While we have a replacement flag scheduled to be delivered at the Engineer Museum on 30 September 2014, in time for our Saturday Reunion babquet, we have discovered the physical location of the battalion colors flag. It is said to be ragged but will be hand carried to the reunion and apopropriately displayed, if possible.
On behalf of the battalion, we want to extend our thanks and appreciation to Colonel (Ret) Ancil R. Pressley, Commander of the 97th EBC upon inactivation for his assistance in this matter.
It is possible this is the original flag used by the unit following approval of the crest design while the unit served in France (the new colors would have been made following this addition to battalion history):
“In the spring of 1956, the battalion was busy conducting a design contest for the unit crest. An award of $25.00 and a three-day pass was announced. As a result, the current unit crest was adapted and the motto officially recognized: “No Task Too Great.” Plans to have the crest manufactured and distributed were quickly implemented, and each man proudly wore his unit’s distinctive insignia wherever he went in France.”
SOURCE: History: In France, page 4