First Quarterly 2014
CATCOM E–Newsletter
Updated: 11 March 2014
Newsletter Articles: (click to go direct)
DEAR EDITOR (dynamic) (8 January):
My name is Addie Rogers. My grandfather, Charles L. Woodhurst, was one of the original Catkillers. I read a story from Mr. JD Richards about some time that he spent with my grandfather, Woody, and some of the action they saw together. I am emailing you because I am curious if Mr. Richards or anyone else may happen to have any more stories (or pictures) of my grandfather. I would absolutely love to hear them. I miss my grandfather very much. I am his only grandchild and I will be getting married this year and it saddens me that he can’t be there so that’s why Im looking for more information on him and his life. Any little bit of info would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thank you!
Addie Rogers
EDITOR’S NOTE: Anyone desiring to communicate with Addie, I have her email and phone number and will share it with you. Just email or call. Don Ricks
Here is a slightly larger scale version of a web roster photo of Benny J. Rexroad, early Catkiller from 1965–66:

Catkiller Supply Clerk, SP4 Stephen Henderson checked on 30 January via the MailChimp email sign-up and followed that up with a personal note to straighten out his roster line information. It was a pleasure, Stephen. Welcome.
Catkiller Gary Zentner, 1969, checked in on 1 February via the MailChimp sign-up procedure. We are looking forward to more information from you, Gary.
How the connection escaped close scrutiny of those who actually worked with Lee Harrison we don't have an answer, but we agree with his sister and brother who knew him the longest:
[Email to Fred Tomasello, Jr., from Susan and Steven] I found a picture of a pilot in front a plane in the 220th Catkillers news letter for the 4th quarter 2009. Your name is on the right side of the picture in the news letter. My wife saw the picture and believes this is her brother. It looks just like him in the way he stands. He is Donald Lee Harrison MIA Oct 29,1968. He had been country about six [months] when he was shot down. He was with the Catkillers. Jim Hopper's book 100 Feet Over Hell is about the 220th Aviation Unit. There is a chapter about Lee in his book. Also there are two pictures of Lee on the web site: Jim Susan & Steve Harrison have just seen the pictures on the 220th (4th Quarter 2009 Catkiller Newsletter) this sure looks like Lee Harrison. We only have a few pictures of Lee.

I used the PDF document (see the link below the graphic) to visit the reunion hotel's web site and found the process simple, easy, and effective. A two bedroom suite for $99 is not a bad deal! As the reunion coordinator said, please make your reservation early. Your action will lock in our rooms (they have 300 blocked for us). When the hotel rooms are taken, overflow reservations will be available from nearby hotels. Reunion registration with the company hired to handle all the details will begin after January 15, 2014.
There is a link on the Cat Bar (left side) to the Reunion Web Site but here it is too:

Direct link to the above graphic to use interactive features:
A message went out to all on the Catkiller Email Notification List providing links to the Original Catkiller web site. You can access those pages (some are missing according to Scott Cummings), but while he searches his records for the missing ones just know that there are a lot of photographs within Scott’s files that are not included within the CATCOM files.
To access the files mentioned, see the link, “Archived Pages: ’02–’10” located in the top section of the CAT BAR (left side navigation section). Here are two unpublished ones that now been enhanced and labeled:

Greetings (Gosh…maybe I should not use that salutation?? It is how my draft notice began!)
Kudos to your fantastic oversight of the Catkiller’s web site. [:<)]
In the 1st Quarter 2014 posting, there are two picture below the All–Birddog Invitation. The two pictures posted and credited to “Robert (Brown) an unknown pilot” I believe those were two of a few pictures I sent to Scott Cummings a few years ago. The two pictures were ones taken by me in 68–69 deployment. The one 9showing] the 3 ½ guys—Boothby, Broberg and Knight—was taken at a Company cook–out (usually supplied by steaks “donated” by the US Air Force’s C130 cargo pad) and the other was the BX warehouse after a round of incoming rockets. Most of us cheered when we saw the destruction of the Carlings Black Label.
I don’t recall any pilot named Robert Brown during my deployment. After a stint at the Maint Hanger with Bear and MSgt Johnson, I became crew chief for HQ Platoon (a platoon of one) and took care of the Beaver “672” and two O1s. I have more pictures I will contribute as soon as I return home from Christmas visits.
Best Regards for the New Year! Keep up the great work!
Robert Freihoff–Lewin [photos corrected 28-12-13, DMR]
Yet another from Jerry DiGrezio:


Thanks to Robert McKenzie, Longtrip 6, for sending in this link. I must be the last one on earth that knew about it so if you have visited the site and liked it you are probably not alone. The link will be added to our navigation bar at the next update:
With the link below, you can pull up just about every airplane that was built in every country in the world and every aircraft company. Want to check out almost any airplane ever built in the world? Old, new, military, civilian?
Browse this site for a few minutes. You will be amazed at what has been done in airplane design. The amount of info available is unbelievable. [There are many interesting comments at the Birddog page ( from guys who flew that aircraft, including some Catkillers.]
This is a super reference file:
Early today, based upon medical consultation and after a previous night in which his condition deteriorated, the family decided to disconnect the respirator that prolonged the prevailing medical opinion. Doctors had said they had done everything they could and that Ned was not going to improve.
This evening Ned Wilson died in peace and surrounded by his loved one. His daughter–in–law, Clara Wilson, said in a text message that Ned was very peaceful and not in any pain. He opened his eyes and looked at Marion as if to say goodbye, just before he took his last breath.
Ned Wilson was a fighter and not one to give up but his overall condition was critical when he went into surgery on Tuesday, December 31. We will post additional information as it becomes available:

Charles Finch will send our condolences to Marion and her family for the Catkiller group. Contact information for personal correspondence might take a few days to obtain. Thank you for the many prayers and encouragements sent to Ned and his family through Clara Wilson.

Click here to View Obituary and View/Send Condolences
There will be two visitations at the church: Thursday night, 9 January, 6 to 8 PM—and Friday from 1 to 3 PM. Service is at 3 PM and each will be held at the First Baptist Church of Mandeville, LA,
Address: 1895 U.S. Hwy 190 (Click on the address to go direct to the church web site).
I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all the love, prayers, kind words and pictures from Pop’s Catkiller Brothers. The service last Friday was lovely. It was very touching. I sang Amazing Grace. Two of his long time friends (Michael Dawson and Bob Stryjewski) along with me eulogized. And his childhood friend/part time pastor (Gerald Love) gave the message. We had a Military Honor Guard and Taps at the end. After the service we invited friends and family to continue the celebration at Ned's house. As people were leaving we played “Happy Trails To You.” Pop was a huge fan of old westerns. I think he would have been pleased and honored. Catkillers Phil Lowentritt and Leanard (Bum) Bumgardner were able to attend. That was very special.
Also, we would like to send a Thank You card for flowers send from The Catkillers. I’m not sure who that would go to—maybe Charles Finch?
Add a special thank you for all the pictures. I had a power point with over 170 pics that ran during both visitations. It was a neat way to let people see Ned at all different times of his life. The picture on the front [of the Memorial Service Program] is one that Charlie sent me. I did not realize how much my husband, Ross, looks like his dad until I saw some of those pictures.
Thank you again, Clara Wilson [daughter–in–law]
Memorial Service Program handed out at the service
This is a personal loss for all of us. He really did battle for many years. Nasty Ned was in flight school with Bum and me. Man, oh man, didn’t he like to party with all of us. And as a veteran — five to seven years older than many of us — he was looked up to and admired by all.
On a personal note: In the early part of the 2000s, Ned and Marion came to Virginia on a driving tour, visiting with old friends and seeing the sights that D. C. had to offer. Unfortunately, that tour was cut short by a medical issue that placed Ned in the hospital for a lengthy stay, certainly longer than they had planned on staying in Virginia. One of the hospitals was on my way home from work. Many afternoons I buzzed by his room and spent time with him. He was always in good spirits and always upbeat.
Always a treat to see him and Marion at the reunions—sadly, not in Seattle—he will be missed by those of us who so enjoyed his company and his sense of humor for so many years.
Sarge Means
I just got off the phone with Clara WIlson, the daughter-in-law.
They actually had a small ceremony at the hospital in Covington where a flag was placed over Ned as they wheeled him out of his room. She was very moved by the service as it was unexpected. Ned will be cremated and the service will probably be next Thursday but she will let us know.
HERE IS WHAT SHE NEEDS FROM THE CATKILLERS:SO please send her anything you have. Her email is [redacted]
- ANYTHING THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO WRITE HER ABOUT NED as she is doing a power point for the Memorial Service plus for her and Ned's wife.
Sarge, you and BUM should have more pictures even from flight school.
Ned has been in a wheelchair for the past year and has gone through dialysis as well. We all knew he was a diabetic and yet he was as tough as they came.
As a platoon leader at Dong Ha, he was the main reason we had a shower built and made the accommodations better for the enlisted.
Funny to play cards with Ned for so many nights, he loved to play STUD and hated HI-LO, Kansas City and some other silly games we played. Always liked to drink and play and it was a challenge to figure out it he was bluffing or having too much to drink. Just a nice human being who was tougher on me than anyone I ever served with. Had so much respect for his leadership.
I called him last year and asked how he was doing and he said, “I am still strumming.” Wonderful gentleman—who was blessed with a wonderful wife.
Charles Finch
As I awake each morning one of my first actions is to reach for my mini-iPad and check for messages and weather. This morning there was a note from Charles Finch to many on his email list stating that John Hillman had died this morning. John’s daughter, Heather, had sent him a text message. Rather than relate to you my feelings at this and another loss during the last few weeks, the words of some on Charles’ list who responded seem to adequately speak for those who knew these men. Their comments are below. The photograph below, sent by Curt, is, indeed, a near perfect representation of the personality of John; so are the two taken of John while in Phu Bai, Vietnam. Finally, the last photo of John and Riga, Heather’s parents, taken 7 December 2011:

Update, 18 January:
A memorial graveside service will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 10:00 AM at the Okmulgee Cemetery, 2300 South Wood Drive, Okmulgee, OK, 74447, Phone: (918) 756-5109
Click here to view McClendon–Winters Funeral Home Obituary and Arrangements
Obituary at John’s roster line
John Herring: I’m trying to process the loss of two who I can only remember as young fearless men. Many Catkillers had the privilege of continuing a relationship after the war with so many great men, two of those being John and Ned. My heart is heavy with their loss. I’ve not had the privilege to continue those relationships but were thought of many times. To their families, my prayers are with you.
Sarge Means: What a lousy two days for Catkillers: The loss of two of the finest gentlemen we had in our outfit. I don’t believe I ever heard an unkind word said about either of them. And, to the end, I never heard either of them complain about their circumstances. They left us a legacy. I expect to meet them both again (hopefully not any time soon!!!) when we can gather together to sing “Phu Bai, oh Phu Bai” and down a few beers as we struggle to complete the three phases of “Catkiller Puff!” All the best to their families. They were soldiers once, and young.
Charles Finch: Catkillers: Just got a text from Heather that her father passed away this morning. Details about the service will be forthcoming. John Hillman will be missed by us all.
Curt Perry: One of my favorite pictures of John. When we returned to Ft. Rucker, he and I would go fishing, hunting or shooting together quite a lot. He always caught more and bigger fish, shot more birds, and hit more clay targets than I. He was the man we all wanted to be. Rest In Peace, Brother.
Jerry DiGrezio: Today, 6 January 2014, on this very sad occasion of the passing of our BROTHER, John Hillman, my Vietnam roommate, and other Catkillers such as Ned Wilson just a few days ago, I choose to remember them as they were, “A” types, forever 20–something, bellying up to the bar and being outstanding Americans and Patriots.
Robert McComiskie: (January 11) I just picked up my email from the last week—now I understand why it’s been so dark and dreary. In my mind’s eye, you’re still young and immortal as you once were Johnny. It’s been my privilege to know you. We’ll meet again soon enough but until then, I miss you. Bob
Heather states that her father will be cremated and ashes placed between his father and mother, with concurrent Masonic rites performed, in his hometown of Okmulgee, Oklahoma. Service arrangements, probably Friday or Saturday, are still pending and when available will be posted here. Her father was Past Master of Okmulgee Lodge 199, Worthy Noble and Past Assistant Potentate of the Bedouin Shriners and other Orders of the Shrine, and a Master of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
One of the last things John said to me as we had breakfast in Okmulgee early one morning in October was that he hoped his health made it possible to be at the 2015 All–Birddog Unit Reunion in 2015. I am certain he will be there in spirit with us.
Our condolences to John’s family and friends are heartfelt, and we ask for prayers to lift the families of John Hillman and Ned Wilson.
Don Ricks, CATCOM Editor
“Ingram Memorial now projects an install date of January 28th—more details to follow on that. Thank you very much Hank Collins of the Shotguns for herding the paver design and install to conclusion. Norm MacPhee.”
[These photos say it all.]:
NOTE: The procedure for ordering pavers for installation at the All–Birddog Memorial is now changed and includes a price increase. Please visit the Official Reunion Website [Click on ‘MEMORIAL’] to review these important changes.

In accordance with the CAN–SPAM Act and the Terms of Service agreements for email service, we must sign up within a double opt–in system, as this is the only verifiable method accepted by most ISP email clients. You will also with this system have an opt–out method available. The benefit is that you will start seeing more professional looking emails that have certain required elements content in the email header, body and footer. You should become more comfortable with such standardized emails. The more I learn the more I like the benefits. The hard part is in reaching the self educational level necessary to successfully manage the email effort.
I prepared an email sign–up form to save time and effort for the three sites I maintain. These are the only email lists I maintain, so you need to sign up to one of them to continue receiving notifications. If you have any questions please send an email or call:
Click here for our Catkiller Web Site: Direct Source for Email Sign–up Form
[or click on the sign–up link located under “SITE LINKS” on the left side Cat Bar.]
Donald M. Ricks, CATCOM Editor
Jan Smith forwards this remark: “One of the greatest moments in The West Wing as Toby organizes a military honor guard and burial at Arlington National Cemetery for a homeless Korean War veteran.”
As I watched this video it reminded me of how special are the men and women who served and still serve this country. All deserve just recognition for their premium sacrifice, yes, and so do any and all deserve their honorable burial rights. This is an emotional video, even though an enactment. Hopefully this is repeated as often as the need arises:
The Movie: West Wing Scene Video, A Marine Being Properly BuriedA RARE PHOTOS OF FOUR ORIGINAL CATKILLER LEADERS:
From these two photos came four thumbnails for the roster lines for Major Schmale, Captain Woodhurst, Captain Weight, and LT Yates, who retired a Major General. Thanks to Mel Davis for sharing this historical glimpse into 1965:

As we have seen during the last twelve months, we are not only aging ourselves but are also frequently losing friends and family members. Something else is happening concurrently: we are also growing less likely to volunteer our time, talent, and involvement to continue to be a fully active part of the world around us. Most of us have always been in the center of things and don't like to think that one day there will be a serious need for us to slow down. An area of my webmaster duty and activity that prompts me to broach this subject is our bereavement effort and how such events cause us to stop and reflect on our lives. I awoke this morning contemplating how to tactfully approach this in an article for the newsletter. Perhaps you would consider this discussion and these examples appropriate.
For the last decade plus, Charles Finch had steadfastly been a leader in our corporate effort to show our concern and sympathy for our departed comrades and friends and their bereaved families. Often using his own money, along with some select group donations and his time and energy, this man added class to our company, in a quiet but effective way. Would it surprise many of you to hear that he is tired and exhausted by it. That's not what you will hear him say. Charles has not only done a stellar job as a volunteer within his old unit, but he also continues to do likewise in his own community. That has been my observation for as long as I have served at the web site. Even today I am aware that our not so young “retired” colonel spends a lot of time with the youth club in his neighborhood.
Gene Wilson, a hard worker indeed, announced he will no longer be an active historian after May 2014. Charles and Gene are liken two Alaskan sled dogs—they will run until they drop. None of us can claim to be young, but many of us can claim to be older than we like to admit. Even I stated a few months back that I would no longer actively add to the Catkiller site by the end of 2015. I am dedicated to spending more time with my grandchildren. These are examples of a reluctant but growing need and tendency of our members to rethink their involvement in matters outside their family inner circle. Justifying such tendency and thinking are numerous facts from which to draw conclusions—we are aging, our desire to venture too far from our medicine cabinet is based on need, and our acceptance of reality is a prime survival process. If the majority of you would start out on a cross country walking tour I probably am writing to the wrong audience. Hello!
We need to know when it is time to slow down, take on fewer tasks and enjoy while we can things that are dear and close to us. I am sure there are more common names for what finally makes us realize that opportunities for a long road trip are limited as we age, and when I think of them I'll write them down. Rather than ask for a volunteer, or more like volunteers, to step up to help take on what Charles has been to the bereavement effort (replace this with any other example/name), I can with confidence say that it seems logical to rely upon the help of others in these sensitive matters.
There are alternatives to having one to shoulder so much for us. Friends and associates close to someone who passes will logically be the ones who remember, send cards, and offer condolences. The web site will continue to post notices and information, but smaller groups and individuals can step up and join in the more personal actions. That is what it is coming to as Charles retires from a very long journey on our behalf.
In a conversation with him recently Charles was reluctant to make a declaration that he would not be available to assist. Like I said, we won't hear him say that. What he would rather say, I am certain, is that his hands are full at home and in his community. What he also conveyed in the same setting is that there are about $700 in a privately maintained fund from generous people, and if there is a need those funds are available until exhausted.
After prudent consultations, we are going to end an individually active bereavement involvement and ineffective solicitations in favor of deferring, rightly so, to family, close friends, and associates while allowing the fund to dwindle naturally.
I suggest we consider reducing the amount we spend on flowers and send the families a Memorial Tile in lieu of, or in conjunction with flowers. I am reasonably confident they will be well received and have durability that can be passed to future generations. I have attached photos of our memorial garden:
After building about 25 of them, my costs have ranged in the 15.00 to 20.00 dollar range depending upon the cost of the hat/lapel pins. Postage right now is $5.70. I included a business card–sized–card with the Catkiller emblem and inscription: “To honor our fallen brother” in all the tiles I have sent out. I really want to do one for Ned, and John, but I feel a bit awkward doing them on behalf of the group without some kind of consensus. Your thoughts?![]()
Jack Bentley
EDITOR’S NOTE: The tiles seen here in the Memorial Garden at the Bentley’s {redacted] Ranch were all produced and displayed by Jack in honor of the many individuals who have either been killed or missing in action or who have died since returning. This well–though–out memorial gift will remain in the possession of bereaved family members as a condolence and acknowledgement by Catkillers and Friends of a revered comrade at rest.
Please click on the link to our Vietnam Tour 2014 located on the left side bar under SPECIALS to view the statement by our tour representative, Bill Stilwagen. Also below this paragraph is a direct link to the Itinerary PDF:
Our Catkiller Tour Unit Representative is Charles “Bud” Bruton. It is time to make your reservations.
One of our Long Trip friends (name being protected) shared this old pamphlet with us. It contains a lot of things many of us never saw, but the 75 pages and some cool graphics, especially the charging Alabama Elephant ridden by a Vietnamese, was a surprise! To be legal about this, it is Department of the Army PAM 360-411 but is also being sold for as high as just over eight dollars on
Thanks to Curt Perry (Daryl Wesley, also present, perhaps others at Ingram)—who is faster than back in the 60s when he was at fighting weight—these photos are hot off the press! That is a great job of photography for all of us, Curt, et al!):

UPDATE: 3 February 2014:

A link to other photos taken and posted online does not work and was removed.
The monument and all that makes it an All–Birddog Unit Memorial is now complete. This announcement from the committee chairman comes with an invitation for all who are able to be there, please attend:

The above is the official announcement of the installation celebration at Fort Rucker. If you need more information you can contactShotgun Hank Collins (at this email address).
Jerry DiGrezio has a good reason to smile since his 69th birthday. Just take a look at this unique addition to his “Man Cave:”
I got this as a birthday present from two special people in my family. It will be great hanging in my “I love me room!”

Jerry: “Several people have asked where my son and daughter–in–law got the stained glass Catkiller emblem. This is the information:”
This is a sketch of what it will look like. I will also paint some detail on the feet when I make it. It is just too troublesome to draw in Corel so I did not do it, but this is what it will look like in a nutshell.
Ekaterina Reier
The Last Unicorn Stained Glass Studio [a Google search will produce their web site]
The dedicaton went off well, except for the cold weather:
The 220th Catkillers had an excellent representation, as you can see below:
A big thanks to Norman MacPhee, the entire committee, and to those who contributed toward making this possible. While there are some dissatisfied with the actual Birddog model design sitting above the memorial, we are proud of all who took part in its being there for us.
- Sarge Means
- Warren Taylor
- Paul Brennan
- Bill Owen
- Daryl Wesley
- Curt Perry
- Marshall Boutwell
- Charles Finch
- Mark Gaddis
Charles Finch

Thanks to the lay–out and construction coordination of the All–Birddog Memorial by Mr. Doug Hardcastle of Hardcastle Construction Company of Madisonville, Tennessee; to Hank Collins for all his extraordinary presence and dedication to the project locally in Alabama; to Norman MacPhee for heading up the committee’s effort; to Rod Stewart for his committee work on the 12th panel; and to the other Memorial Committee members for their visionary help and leadership. Finally, a huge thanks to Burke Blob for the excellent graphics work everyone can appreciate and to Bob Brewster for the excellent web work that helped considerably to generate interest and convey the process to all so well. Just a super job by everyone connected with this project!

A great Texan (and a Catkiller) named Grayson Davis shared this information: The State of Texas has a dedication ceremony planned on 29 March 2014 for a Vietnam Veterans Monument. Here are the details and two links to help answer any questions. If you live close this will be a free event open to the public: