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Dennis Currie submitted a well-documented unit history of his service at Phu Bai and Quang Ngai, for years 1966—67. The page is within the initial 1966 year but extends into 1967, while he served at Quang Ngai. I am certain you will enjoy his excellent effort and composition:
As an additional acknowledgement, Dennis has also agreed to serve in an official capacity to assist in making the Catkiller web site exciting and a continually growing and excellent historical source. In his own words, as we considered his role, here is the who, what, and how Dennis will serve our group and make himself available to our members:
"When you think of it, my job would be acting like a "volunteer ghost writer" for those wanting to tell their story. The central theme for this work is to develop a "Legacy Site" for our contribution in maintaining America's freedom. The 220th played a vital role in our effort in I Corps, and that was only accomplished through the dedication and hard work of all who served. Everyone has a story that brings the role of the 220th alive, so placing a high value on individual contributions through their stories would bring that about. Down the road, who knows, there may be even a book that could be written from the input that is received.
The "Position" could be advertised as "Need Help Telling Your Story—We Can Help!" Something along those lines, then let our people know who to send their information to, such as a chronology of events, pictures and flesh it out from the details, or I could just simply edit their document. In addition, they could simply contact me for how to get started on their own. "Write—Call—Email" to get started.
In any event, it would be their story submission at the end of the day. I think it would be a nice gift to leave our children and grandchildren, so that they grow to appreciate the role we had in the history of our country, and the responsibility we are passing on to them."
Well written, Dennis; you said it all, and now for the "let our people know who to send their information to" portion:
Volunteer: Dennis D. Currieback to top
6456 W. Knoll Pines Way
Tucson, AZ 85757
DEAR EDITOR (dynamic):
1LT Dave Ohare, Catkiller 43, sent this photo of his younger years during service in Vietnam. A native of Manawa, Waupaca County, Wisconsin, Dave probably gets down to Oshkosh on a regular basis. While serving with the 220th Aviation Company, he received a Distingusihed Flying Cross (DFC) for heroic action in aerial flight during early 1968. His roster line contains the DFC citation. Others who also received the DFC are requested to submit a copy of their citation. I will be happy to include yours within the roster:

Comment by Gary O´Shields:
"Circa September 2008, the three of us met in an Orlando T.G.I FRiDAY´s for a short, but very welcome mini reunion—as detailed in the attached, fair quality, cell phone photo:

Left to right, please view three robust and well experienced (aging) dear friends, namely: Gary O´Shields, Dave Ohare and John Kovach. Yes, I'm striking a kinda-sorta Mike Ditka pose; Dave continues as always the youngest and best looking, and John is sporting his worldly, mentor-to-all persona.
Gary O´
It is always good to receive an email from our brothers who served in sister companies in Vietnam, especially those who have requested to be on our emailing list. Jim Taylor, 184th RAC, company call sign Nonstop, personal call sign "Indian," sent in a few photographs taken at Phu Loi in 1968. Thanks for the input, Jim. We hope to see you in Seattle:

Keith Klett, Catkiller 40, shared a few photos taken during his tour, 1968—69:

Larry Deibert, Catkiller 10/46, sent in a few old photographs. Here below is one showing Calvin Boyles after an accident. Calvin, emais us the facts and we'll post your comments. Cal is the one holding the clipboard:

The second photo shows Dave Ohare and MAJ Jessee G. Mulkey, 1967, standing at the officers' club. Can anyone identify others in the photo? Major Mulkey is now on the roster, and we added several more today. Larry also submitted his DFC orders, and they are now available from his roster line.

Several weeks ago, an attempt to locate SP5 Robert "Lucy" Lucianno, Company Clerk in 1967 and 68, was partially successful, and we found he lived in central Tennessee. I sent a letter to his address, and a reply came back from Robert's son, who informed us that Robert Lucianno had died of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), in 2005. We have not received a copy of Robert's obituary but will post it upon arrival. Ed Miler sent a letter of condolence to Robert's son and daughter, but we did have not yet receive an acknowledgement:


Phil Caverhill, his wife Darlene, Sarge Means and Nancy and I went to Boston last week to celebrate Tom "Tank" Meehan being inducted into the Boston College Hall of Fame. We had three days with Tank and his wife and many of his friends and relatives. Also got to talk to some of his football team, who spoke of Tank playing both ways and making the team as a "walk on."
Tank gave a great speech, and many in the audience had no idea that he was undergoing treatment for cancer. His energy, quick Irish wit, and appearance is remarkable considering what he is undergoing these days.
He and his wife are now back in Germany where he will continue his treatment. I am sure he would like to hear from you.
It was so neat to watch Tank walk out on the football field at halftime and see his face and accomplishments projected on the large screens on both ends of the field.
I had bought that Catkiller hat from Jerry Bonning for Tank and swore I would deliver it in person. Took a long time but finally I was able to do it. Ed Miler also presented him with a Catkiller album.
Charles Finch
Catkiller 19

Lt. Col. Ted Boutwell, father of Robert Marshall "Bo" Boutwell, Catkiller 12, died September 11, 2011. Colonel Boutwell's obituary tell of a man involved in family, country, and service, and he will be missed. Our condolences to Bo and his family and friends:
Obituary: THEODORE BOUTWELL:back to top
BOUTWELL Lt. Col. Theodore Robert Boutwell ‘Ted’, 91, crossed the bar September 11, 2011, in his home with his family in Jacksonville, Fl. Col. Boutwell requested no services be held and his remains to be donated for research at the University of Florida College of Medicine, thus his commitment to education continues. Born in Jacksonville October 22, 1919, Ted grew up in Ortega where his family owned the Ortega Pier, a popular venue for dancing in its hey-day. As quarterback and captain of the Lee high School football team, Ted led 'Lee's Generals' to the state championship with an undefeated 1938 season. He went on to Stetson University on a sports scholarship and joined the Navy at JAX NAS when America entered WWII. The marine Air Corp. commissioned Ted to train the pilots sent to the South Pacific until 1945 when he joined the Leatherneck Bombers flying the Navy twin engine bomber PBJ-1J/H ( B25 Mitchell) in the anti-shipping initiative between lwo Jima and Japan. Col. Boutwell and family were stationed in Okinawa for many before his retirement and return to civilian life. Ted was an avid tennis player, skier, diver, sports fan, lover of music, travel and an accomplished photographer. He was also great on the dance floor and reportedly never at a loss for a partner when they struck up the orchestra. Ted believed education a gift and the best way to help a person. He donated his time to universities in China and sponsored dozens of Asian students over the past 35 years who lovingly refer to him as ‘Uncle’. Col. Boutwell is survived by his five children; Marshall Boutwell and wife Lee, Fontaine Boutwell, John T. Boutwell and wife Cathy, Lucretia B. Westcott and husband Paul, Susan B. Proffitt and husband Randall 10 grandchildren; and 11 great grandchildren and a niece Cathy B. Welch and husband Patrick; 2 grandnephews. Son of the late George and Lucretia Boutwell of Ortega, Ted was preceded in death by his wife Fontaine Pettus; and 4 siblings: Phordice, Julia Boutwell ‘Our Little Doll’, Gene and Howard.
Source: Published in the Florida Times-Union on September 18, 2011
"Don: Please ask if anybody on your email list knows if there is an O-1 Birddog available for restoration, which would be displayed in the Warhawk Air Museum in Nampa, Idaho. The plane will be for display only in the Vietnam section. I recently attended the dedication of a Huey Gunship, and the curator asked about an O-1 Birddog. Of course, it would be restored in Army colors and with Catkiller markings.
MANY THANKS for your help! Looking forward to attending the reunion. I have no idea what any of the pilots looked like, as I flew with them while serving as an AO around the DMZ area. They always had their helmets on and visors down when they picked me up, in either Dong Ha or Quang Tri.
Jeff Thompson
USN/USMC: September 1969—April 1970
Belfair, Washington"
EDITOR'S NOTE: If you desire additional information, please contact the curator personally at: or Telephone: (208) 465-6446
They also have an on-going Veteran's History Project, accessible from the left side bar at their web site.
It was an honor to attend the Delta Birdog Reunion, San Antonio, from October 13—16, and I had a great time. While at the formal dinner on Saturday evening, a very pleasant lady tapped me on the shoulder and said she just had to meet me, as she had heard I was a Catkiller. Once she explained that she had served at Phu Bai and had been an army nurse, we shared a big hug. We had a nice chat, and it was obvious she enjoyed the association with Catkillers stationed at Phu Bai. Vicki had many nice things to say about the "gentlemen" in our unit. I tried to determine if maybe she was speaking about the men in another unit, but she gave me her big and genuine smile and said she was serious. I also met her husband, Jim, and we all enjoyed the evening of good food and dancing.
This will be a riddle and a test of your memory, concerning her maiden name and unit in which she served. When the correct information arrives, it will appear in the photo of this lady who served there in 1969 and 1970.
Vicki, thank you for your dedicated service, and on behalf of the members of our unit and others in Vietnam—many thanks to you and all the other ladies who suffered along with us at all locations throughout Vietnam. Don Ricks:

Courtesy of an old veteran army friend who acknowledges the gift of life from departed and beloved veterans, and he thought you might want to view this, too:
This show consists of photos taken at a formal dinner at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia. It is a beautiful presentation of the honor, commitment and pride today's heroes share with yesterday's. If you know a Marine or a soldier of any branch of the Military (of any age) make sure he or she sees this. Wouldn't hurt if all other Americans saw it too! Make sure your sound is on and just click on the link below:back to top
Just as a reminder: We are now well into creating documents in support of our history initiative. While those documents are not complete and final, we need your help to make them so. A good reminder came to our attention from Jim Taylor (184thRAC). He reminds us that we should check closely our DD Form 214 for anything missing (and that might not have caught up with us):
"I left the 225th Phantom Hawks in Tuy Hoa, in November 1971, and they closed shop in December, without issuing any awards or anything. Finally, 40 years later, I was going through my stuff and realized [some awards were missing]. I put in for a Corrections To Military Records with the amount of flying time, and at least I got recognition for my Air Medals. They changed from 15 to 21 medals.
Jim Taylor (184thRAC), Callsign: Indian"
If you do not have a copy of your DD Form 214, contact the National Archives for additional guidance.
Here is an outstanding result from our appeal for you to dig around the house and locate your war treasures. Gary O´Shields did just that and came up with exactly what we were looking for. These bits of history certainly makes the point that we have these somewhere around the house. Here is a proud young warrior and flight instructor receiving an impressive award at a location that must have had major impact upon those at his installation.

Others named here, besides Gary, have sent in documents from which we will eventually post the information in our awards and decorations files: Bob Arrington, Doc Clement, John Herring, John Hillman, and Ray Caryl. And, there are several articles being prepared for publication. Thanks for helping document your Catkiller or Friends era; the important history we record here could be a positive influence on our younger generations. So, don't hold back. Let's tell the whole story.
This link points to an often forgotten and seldom applied for VA benefit. Please check this statement first, then look at the one below:

"During the week of October 17th this group of 1966—67 Catkillers had a great time together in Panama City, Florida. Except for Jim Carlin, I had not seen any of the others up close in person since 1967 in the 220th in Vietnam. Several of this small group, who served in the 2nd and 3rd Platoons at Hue and Da Nang (although 3 of them must admit to also being in the company headquarters at Phu Bai along with me at some time), have been getting together occasionally over the past years at various places. After a good number of great email connections and exchanges, it was a special honor and privilege for me and my wife to be invited to join them in Panama City this year. On one day, in a down—pour of rain, we also car—pooled up to Fort Rucker. But with lunch at Ingrid's in Daleville, and of course, a visit to the Army Aviation Museum, we enjoyed a super day together. That evening we were all at Sharky's Restaurant & Bar, just across the street from the Origin at Seahaven where we stayed, and I think they closed right after we got the photos taken.
I should probably offer a prize of some kind to anyone (who was not there) who can identify every face from the past — but let me make it easy. Catkillers: L to R — Joe Davis, Ray Alexander, Jerry Jackson, Gene Wilson, Roger Putnam, Dick Bielot, Jay Snell, Lloyd Morgan and Jim Carlin. Catkiller Ladies: L to R — Barbara Hodges (Joe's widow), Kittie Alexander, Peggy Jackson, Connie Snell, Dianne Carlin, Shelley Putnam, Ellie Wilson, Nancy Davis and Anne Bielot. Joe was the "Commo Chief" and coordinator for the week, and Roger and Shelley were both super "Providers" with Dog Tags, T—Shirts, a slide show and more, and especially for me, just pulling together so many memories from over 40 years ago.

We are hoping to see many of the faces above along with many others from 1965 through 1971 at the 2012 reunion in Seattle. It also looks like we have started rallying a lot of our USMC AOs together for the reunion.back to top
Gene Wilson"
Can anyone identify this Catkiller, WO—1, probably taken at Phu Bai (courtesy of Jack Watson, Command Aircraft Company, "Longtrip")?

COMMENTS: Three Catkillers attested that the above photo subject is Scotty Burke, per Charles Finch, Jerry DiGrezio, and Glenn Stewart. Thanks for the help.
Glenn Stewart, Catkiller 45, recently went through some of his old photos and came up with two poor quality photos of Larrie Landersheim, who was killed in action on 23 May 1970. If anyone can locate in their collection a better photo, please send it in. Larrie served during 1969 and until his untimely death in 1970:

Comment: UPDATE 12-16-11
These additional photographs of Larrie Landersheim were posted to his Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund site. That remembrance is now posted at Larrie's VVMF wall. Then, I sent a copy of those photographs to one of Larrie's listed relatives, on behalf of Glenn Stweart. Here is that relative's response (Editor):
"I really do appreciate these pictures. I had not been in contact with certain members of my family who as it turns out has all the pictures taken of him. None of them are of him in Vietnam though. These are great photos. Thank you very much.back to top
Tony Hamil"
Catkiller 05/36 Charles "Chuck" Goodrum sent in a link to one of the most impressive Christmas tour biographies you will ever review, in my humble opinion. Bob was a blessing to everyone, especially to our troops during his famous Christmas tours. Chuck's "hope" is that you enjoy this trip down memory lane with a great American icon, an entertainer extraordinaire. Note that at the point when the film gets to the part about Banika, South Pacific in 1944, at film time 7:52, there appears a Birddog dropping a package at low level: