14th Combat Aviation Battalion, (West of Qui Nhon in the Phu Tai Valley):
- 1965 MAJ Ronald J. Rogers [name confirmed by a Letter of Commendation to SP4 Harry I. Kee from MAJ Ronald J. Rogers, and the 18th Aviation Co. web site.] 14th Avn Bn worked out of Lane Army Heliport. To land a Birddog near the HQ we had to have prior permission for the Republic of Korea (ROK) Division(s) PSP strip nearby — otherwise we had to land at Qui Nhon and be trucked to the 14th.
- 23 May 1966: LTC Samuel P. ‘Black Sam’ Kalagian (until command restructuring on 4 September 1966:
Declassified document: “23 May 1966, Lt Col Samuel G. Kalagin [sic], Infantry, assumed command of the 14th Combat Aviation Battalion from Major Ronald J. Rogers.”
223rd Combat Aviation Battalion (Nha Trang, Operational from 4 September 1966 —16 April 1971):

- 1966: LTC William K. Gearan
- 1967: LTC John H. Richardson (until command restructuring on 19 August 1967):

212th Combat Aviation Battalion (Combat Support Aviation Battalion) (Da Nang) (became operational on 19 August 1967):

- 1967-68: LTC Thorveld R. Torgersen
- 1968: LTC Bernard “Bernie” Bruns
- 1969: LTC Jack Mullen:
- 1970:
- 1971: LTC C. A. Wilson (see photo below, taken at the Change of Command to CPT Sapp in March 1971.)
VNIT-902 212th Aviation Battalion (Combat): Interview with LTC C.A. Wilson, Commander, 212th Combat Aviation Battalion. Discusses problems and accomplishments, including LAM SON 719, drug problems, helicopter survivability.
- 1971: LTC John Albert Lovett (Colonel, Retired):

We encourage anyone with photographs or corrections of the former battalion commanders mentioned to submit them for publication.