Catkiller Photo Identification
Several months ago I received a package of photographs from Dean L. Liken, through a chain of men he trusted. Dean, known then as Catkiller 19, served in the 220th Aviation Company from December 1969 to December 1970. The photographs did not have writing on them to identify subjects, places, and events , so what you see on the photos represent all I have discovered about them since they came into my possession. If you can identify useful information, such as names, dates, places, situations, please contact, and identify the photograph by its posted order, after the aerial shot of the 220th Aviation Company area. Thanks for your help. Don Ricks, Editor

Dean Liken: “Seems to me we flew over Hue and the cannons many times, and one day with nothing much to do, we jumped in a jeep and visited.”
“Cuu vi than cong” is the set of nine bronze cannons which were casted under Emperor Gia Long Dynasty. They were previously placed at the foot of Ngo Mon Gate. In Emperor Khai Dinh Dynasty, they were divided into two groups, including Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter on the left of the citadel and Metal — Wood — Water — Fire — Earth on the right. Source: Hue Cannons So, what we see in the photo above are cannons named: Metal — Wood — Water — Fire and Earth. Stranger yet is the fact we know the names of the cannons, but not the names of all the men in this photo.