Our remarkable success in piecing together the often fragmented sections and platoons of the 220th Aviation Company “Catkillers” via photographs and short and long stories found on this site should please researchers and historians after what we know has passed with us. It is a good feeling, to say the least, that we have presisted and won the confidence of each other to such a level that these valuable momentoes are freely shared via mail and delivery services. We are proud to say that not one single loss occurred during shipment to the editor and back to the owners Thank you for digging in footlockers, shoe boxes and file cabinets to come up with gems of missing pieces of history that would forever be lost had the interest level been too low. These loose photographs might be missing a grand story, but with your images you speak effectively to personify the unit.

Donald M. Ricks, Editor


CPT Paul V. Garin, Catkiller 8, Aircraft Maintenance Officer, 1970-71:

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

Paul V. Garin photo

CPT Robert J. LaFerriere, Catkiller 2, Assistant Operations Officer, 1968-69:

Bob LaFerriere photo

FIRST PLATOON (Quang Ngai, Phu Bai/Dong Ha):

SECOND PLATOON (Hue–Citadel, Phu Bai):

THIRD PLATOON (Da Nang, Phu Bai):

SSG Lee F. Berry, Platoon Sergeant, 1966-68:

SSG Lee Berry photo SSG Lee Berry photo

SSG Lee Berry photo

SSG Lee Berry photo

SSG Lee Berry photo

SSG Lee Berry photo

SP4 Sawyer and Martha Raye, who was Born: August 27, 1916, Butte, MT; Died: October 19, 1994, Los Angeles, CA; Buried: Fort Bragg Main Post Cemetery, NC; Colonel Maggie was an honorary Colonel in the United States Marine Corps.

SP5 Walter “Chip” Boyce, , April 1967—April 1968, Crew Chief, Da Nang, Marble Mountain Air Facility:

Walter Boyce photo

Walter Boyce photo

Walter Boyce photo

SP5 Leonard C. Brand, Phu Bai and Da Nang, June 1966–June 1967:

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo    Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo     Leonard C. Brand photo

3rd Platoon, Marble Mountain:

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

To The Beach, Da Nang:

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

Leonard C. Brand photo

FOURTH PLATOON (219th, Dong Ha, Phu Bai:

SP5 Dennis Laeger, Flightline, Phu Bai, November 1969 to December 1970:

Dennis Laeger photo

Dennis Laeger photo

Dennis Laeger photo

Dennis Laeger photo

Dennis Laeger photo

Dennis Laeger photo

SP5 Edwin Theodore Barsis, Crew Chief, Dong Ha, 1967, shows off a new ‘Fighting’ 4th Platoon sign (On The Ready 24 Hours A Day!) and helps identify some of the “Movers and Shakers” responsible for making things work on a daily basis:
SP5 Edwin Theadore Barsis, Catkiller Crew Chief, 1967

SP5 Edwin Theadore Barsis, Catkiller Crew Chief, 1967

SP5 Edwin Theadore Barsis, Catkiller Crew Chief, 1967