Second Quarterly 2013
Longtrip E-Newsletter
Updated: June 19, 2013
HONOR ROLL: (April 11)
Many of you know we have searched for Warrant Officer Rudy Rudel for some time now. Today, Bill Ipock sent the following notice, and based on this information, the roster is changed to reflect this new status. Our condolences to his friends and family:

Dennis Rudel:
Early Sunday morning, June 3, 2007, approximately 1:00 am, Dennis passed away peacefully in his sleep. He is survived by Norma Weiner; Denise Naugler (Scott), daughter; Mikel Rudel (Linda), son; and his grandchildren: Noah Naugler, Kailee Naugler, and Christian Naugler; and his great–grandchildren: Kaya Qualls and Madison Brown.
Burial: Fort Logan National Cemetery, Southwest Denver
Colorado Gravestone Marker photo

In the last few weeks we have said welcome to several recently located members of our unit. Bill Ipock (above), Ruben Moreno, and Jimmy Johnson were all added to the web roster (with recently updated roster info).
Anotrher long-lost Long Tripper, Don Underwood, checked in at the end of last month. Donald L. Underwood's photo is now on the roster and says he will be at the reunion:
Don: ...I retired in 1988 as a LTC, and while assigned I was also an AC/IFE for the unit. I have also attached a photo. I will definitely plan to attend the 2013 Las Vegas Reunion.
Best regards,
William “Bill” Schweinfurth checked in a few days ago and also dropped off a very good photograph of a few members of the maintenance team for 1971:
I am forwarding a picture taken in 1971 of the maintenance management team. From left to right, MSGT Schuette, Maintenance Sergeant, Gary Sneary, The Beech Tech Rep; myself, the incoming maintenance officer; Captain Tim Horton, the outgoing Maintenance Officer , and our Maintenance Tech, CW2 Staton.
A little bio stuff on me, I retired as a LTC in 1992. My last flying job was in Liberia, West Africa, flying C-12 as the Army Attache to that country and Sierra Leone, and providing Embassy support to all West African Embassies from Mauritania to Southern Nigeria. Also served as the Defense Attache to Malawi in Southeast Africa.
I'm searching around for more photos.
Bill Schweinfurth


As you probably have seen the left side bar addition of the reunion announcement, I won't draw further attention, except it’s on the left, under, SPECIALS! It is also right below!
We really need to get behind the reunion committee on this one, and if this seems repetitive it is entirely because of the contract requirements, plus others are reserving facilities and meeting events during that popular period. The early bird gets the _____.
While browsing through a file drawer full of old letters and research papers, I came across an old letter of appreciation received in Vietnam that did not come through official channels. Our main passenger was the very popular and likable Governor of the Territory of Guam, Carlos C. Camacho. The governor died December 16, 1979.

Major William G. Peele and I often flew together, and on several days during December 1969 I was the pilot and Bill Peele the Aircraft Commander, which was always the case when I flew with Bill. I am certain that Major Peele also received such a letter. The flights occurred at the end of my first month of assignment to the unit. We were both living at a hotel in Saigon. The song written by famous Guam singer, Johnny Sablan, helps to document our itinerary:

Camacho’s term was best remembered for his Christmas 1969 visit to the troops from Guam who were fighting in Vietnam. He brought with him celebrated local singer Johnny Sablan who wrote a song about the feat:“More and more fighting sons have died. Peace, freedom, courage and pride. Forever they will roam in the eyes of the people here at home, in the eyes here at home. In memoriam I sing to you, I bow my head and salute you too. My native brothers you died in Vietnam, but heroes you are here on Guam, the fighting sons of Guam.Camacho was welcomed enthusiastically by the Guam troops who held parties in his honor. The success of this visit boosted Camacho’s popularity on Guam, which helped him tremendously in the historic 1970 election.
He went to Vietnam so to seek his fighting sons. To wish them well, the soldiers of Guam. Called out their names all over Vietnam, saying “I want to see my sons of Guam. I want to see my fighting sons of Guam.”
He said “Hafa adai, my sons, how do you do? My name? They call me Governor Camacho. I came to see you, brought a message for you, from the people of Guam, your island in the sun.
He flew from Saigon up to Pleiku, just to wish his sons there Merry Christmas, too. Danang, Nha Trang, Long Binh and Bien Hoa, too. Hafa adai, Cam Ranh Bay, Merry Christmas to you. Well my sons, you’re not forgotten, this I’m glad to say. I brought you a gift from home. Your families and your dear friends, I bring to you. They would like wish you a Merry Christmas too. Merry Christmas my sons.
They choked up and cried, they held their heads up with pride, as they gazed at their presents side by side. One young soldier said, “Mr. Governor, thank you lai! You’ve made my Christmas so great, you’ve made my Christmas so great.”
Four hundred or more soldiers he met. Jesus, Mike, Joaquin, Chu, Alfred, Antonio, Jose, Manuel and Norbert, too. Shaking hands, saying, “Merry Christmas to you, Merry Christmas my sons.”
There’s Jerry and Ron, Billy and Juan. There goes Joseph, Jesse, William and Big John. Albert, Felix, Tony and Benny too. They all said, “Thank you, Governor Camacho, thank you, Governor Camacho.”
He’s a man of distinction, a man with a mission. No intervention to stop his intention. He’s a soldier of Guam. He’s a soldier of Guam.”
Another Long Trip pilot, CPT Dave Hassen (CAC, 1968–69), went through some of his old papers and came up with this stationery. You may use these as you see fit, thanks to Dave. Of course, if it has reflected ”Command Aircraft Company,” it would have been perfect. Just copy the graphic, or you may download the Word document from the link provided below the graphic:
Thanks to Jerry Jensen, we have a good photo reference for the CAC Operations office at Saigon.
Unobscured Aerial View


If you have not viewed the photo page attributed to Bob Dodge (left side bar, under Photo Pages), please do so. You will find some of the best inflight photographs of our workhorse, the Ute U-21A, that we know of. Thanks for letting us see your good work, Bob: