Formed from the MACV/USARV Flight Detachment, 25 September 1969—
Stand-Down and End of Operations 23 March 1973 in Singapore
Our veterans group mailing list is an opt–in/opt–out type arrangement. So long as you wish to receive our group email messages your contact information will remain in the MailChimp email box groups named: Longtrip Email List. If you wish to no longer receive messages within any group mailing, just send me a private email and ask to be removed from the group, or opt–out when you receive a group email with an available unsubscribe feature. Bulk email messages to this group will only come from the MailChimp email service. Donald M. Ricks, Webmaster.
Click here for: Direct Source for Sign–up Form

Memorials and Tributes: Killed In Action and Missing In Action:
Unit History:
Pictorial Annual:
Long Thanh North Support Units:
Personal Memories:
Sister Units in Southeast Asia:
Technical Material: