(Updated 21 February 2024):
LTN 2024 Reunion Information, courtesy of Jim Garrard, Reunion Coordinator, 2024. If you do not have contact information with Jim, send the Editor an email and it will give it to you:
Long Thanh North Update (21 February 2024): Reunion Update 2:
The Hotel link for rooms: This link will stay active until March 1, 2024: Hotel Link
Contact the front desk, tell them you are part of Long Thanh North – Army Airfield Aviation Reunion to get the agreed room price.
Just call the Holiday Express front desk at 706-507-7080 to make your reservations.
For Dinner on Sat night we will have Alaskian Red salmon, Caesars Salad, Red Potatoes, Asparagus, and Cake. Dinner will be served on the deck or in conference room. By the way, Fort Benning is now Fort Moore.
Expect temps in mid 70’s to mid 80’s during late April. Weather will dictate which area will be best. I’m waiting for pricing for shuttle bus service from Atanta to Columbus and return to Atlanta. If anyone wants to go to Panama City beach after the reunion, it is about 3:45 hours drive.
Warm Springs, Ga. Is about 45 minutes north of Columbus, Ga. That is where FDR’s Little White House is located
As usual you can contact me, James, at (for personal security, email Don Ricks for James’s contact infoamation).
Our Dates have been confirmed for Long Thanh North 2024 Reunion on April 24,25,26,27 of 2024 in Columbus, Georgia.
We will be at the Holiday Express and Suites, 3901 Victory Drive, Columbus
Room rate is $159.99 per night, Breakfast buffet included. Make reservations at: Attention LTN reunion Kimberly or call 706–366–5079 ask for Kimberly
Following actives are in planning stages:
. Need to ask if anyone would be interested in going to Panama City after the reunion? Timing would be good. It is about a 4&ndash:hour drive.
- Tour of Ft. Benning
- Tour of Ft. Rucker
- Tour of Civil War Naval Museum
- Reunion Dinner Sat night Meal is TBD but fresh Salmon is on the menu (Thanks to William Moll )
You can fly into ATL, take shuttle or rental car. There are flights to Columbus as well.
More to come
Jim “Gunga Din” Garrard, LTN Reunion Coordinator
DATES: APRIL 24,25,26,27 2024
Hosted by Jim Garrard Ball, Ground, Georgia [Full phone number on request] 622-5422
LTN Reunion, Santa Rosa, California, April 26–April 29, 2023
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinators, Scott and Wendy Drew:
UPDATE 12 January 2023:
Happy New Year Brothers and Sisters! Wendy and I hope that you are all healthy and looking forward to the New Year and our upcoming LTN Reunion!
But for a minute, close your eyes…remember the last few months of your tour in our War…when all of a sudden you saw a Playboy or Penthouse centerfold photo stuck to the inside of the wall locker door of your hooch mate. And that there were 100 spaces marked on that photo, counting down from 100 to 0…and every morning he would announce to the hooch “64 and a wakeup!” meaning he had 64 days and the last wakeup day before he boarded the Freedom Bird and flew back to the World.
Well as of this morning, we have “106 and a wakeup” until our 2023 Reunion!
So we wanted to send out another informative Email to all of you with the latest information:
Long Thanh North 2023 Reunion
Sana Rosa, California
Arrive: Wednesday April 26, 2023
Depart: Sunday, April 30, 2023
Courtyard by Marriott
175 Railroad Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
One of the things that we need to know for our transportation planning is how many available vehicle seats we will have to haul us around to the different venues we have planned. So please send me an Email with how many empty seats you will have, either in your POV or your rental car. While we are still working on some sort of group transportation, that isn’t working out so well at this time. So we need an empty seat count. Thanks!
Another thing that we need to know is the total number in your party for our planning purposes, and their FIRST AND LAST NAMES so I can print the nametags.
Breakfast will be available at\\in the Bistro at the Marriott hotel, chargeable back to your room.
Free parking and WiFi will be provided by the hotel.Currently planned venues:
- Thursday, April 27th, 2023:
Late morning tour of Korbel Winery and lunch. Costs for this being developed.
Dinner at Chevy’s Restaurant, walking distance from the hotel. Individually paid.
- Friday, April 28th, 2023:
Late morning tour of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protections Sonoma Air Attack Base. Lunch at the airport, individually paid.
Friday afternoon tour of Pacific Coast Air Museum (PCAM).
Friday evening dinner at PCAM, cash or check reimbursable to Scott and Wendy. Costs to be determined.
- Saturday, April 29th, 2023:
Open day for those who want to travel and explore. Our hotel is about an hour plus drive from the Napa Valley, the Pacific Ocean Coast, and the Giant Redwoods.
The Sonoma County Visitors Center is preparing “Welcome to Sonoma County Information Packet!” The Smart Rider Train is available within a short walk from our hotel, and will take you down to Larkspur on the San Francisco Bay, where you can take the ferry to San Francisco if you desire. Information will be in your welcome packet.
We do have a tour planned of the Charles Schultz Museum of Peanuts fame for those who would be interested. No group lunch planned.
- Saturday Night Banquet:
We have finalized with the hotel that our Saturday Banquet will be held in the meeting room of the hotel. The cost of the Banquet Meal and the room rental will depend on how many attend. Scott and Wendy will be required to front the costs for this room rental and meal, so be prepared to reimburse us for those costs. Check or cash please. We will provide you with a good guestimate of these costs in a later Email. But now it seems to be around $70/plate for the meal and portion of the room rental. Currently, per the hotel these costs are not billable back to your rooms.
Our Brother Sam Langhofers daughter will be providing a tribute as our special guest.
We will have a short business meeting as part of our Banquet Dinner, discussing our next years 2024 reunion location, and who will be doing the coordinating for that reunion.
- Sunday, April 30, 2023:
Check out, you are on your own!!Your LTN 2023 Organizers:
Bob, Ron, Bonnie, Scott and Wendy
UPDATE 14 November 2022:
I am sending this Email out to all of you, even those who have indicated that they will not be attending next years reunion in Santa Rosa. Just in case some of you may change your minds!
Barbara Meyer tried to make her and Mikes reservation at the Marriott Hotel yesterday, by calling the 707–573–9000 number, which goes directly to the front desk of the hotel. When she asked what the daily charge was, she was quoted 249.00/day, plus taxes, with no reduction for Sunday through Thursday as our contact specifies. When Wendy called and spoke with Julianna Flores, their Sales Coordinator, she was told that the reduced rate will show up on your final bill. So we do get the reduced rate of 169.00, pluys taxes, for days Sunday through Thursday, and the increased rate of 249, plus taxes, for Friday and Saturday.
Again, the reduced rates will show up on your final bill per our contract with them. Hopefully this will answer any questions that you may have had about the pricing of the rooms.
Scott & Wendy
Long Thanh North 2023 Reunion
Sana Rosa, California
Arrive: Wednesday April 26, 2023
Depart: Sunday, April 30, 2023
Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters!
Your organizing committee had a meeting and finalized more items for our 2023 reunion. There are a lot of interesting things planned, including a tour of the Korbel Winery; Charles Schultz “Snoopy” Museum; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protections (CalFire) Sonoma Air Attack Base; and an exclusive tour of the Pacific Coast Air Museum (PCAM), with a grilled dinner meal prepared and served by the museum Volunteers. We think all of you will find enjoyment in the planned venues!
We suggest that you plan your arrival for Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, as we have a full day planned starting early on Thursday. As is usual, our Banquet Dinner will be held Saturday night April 29th, and checkout will be on Sunday April 30th.
We have arranged for no-charge secure parking at the hotel.
American Airlines and Alaska Airlines fly into Sonoma County Airport, so unless you make other plans, you should book with one of these airlines.
Here is the reservation information for the Courtyard by Marriott that is providing lodging for our reunion:
Courtyard by Marriott
175 Railroad Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(Use the electronic link below to make your reservations, or call the listed telephone number)
Book Your Group/Corporate Rate, Marriott International
1-800-321-2211 More information to follow after the first of the year.
2023 LTN Reunion dates:
We have finalized the dates for the 2023 Long Thanh North reunion in Santa Rosa, California. So mark your calendars for Wednesday April 26th thru Saturday April 29th, leaving on Sunday April 30th. We have interesting things planned starting first thing on Thursday April 27th, so we strongly suggest that you arrive at the reunion location on Wednesday April 26th to take part in these planned Thursday venues.
We have finalized the room rates and will be sending out a more informative email in the very near future, so please hold your questions until then. We will send you the hotel info including how to make your reservations, the pricing, and a list of the planned venues.
At present we have a total of 19 Veterans and 16 spouses/significant others who are planning on attending. If you haven’t already advised me of your intent, please do so as soon as possible. We do need a good head count to continue planning.
All take care, Welcome Home, and thank you for your service.
56th TC (ADS) Tan Son Nhut
October 1964–April 1967
Editor: If you need Scott’s email contact, send me an email.
LTN Reunion, Hotel Gibbs, San Antonio, Texas, April 28–May 1, 2022:
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinator, Lee Ayers:
To All,
The group is Long Than North Army Reunion (Misspelled, I know). Any problems, Ask for Ernest.
My understanding is the reservation can be made at the Hotel Gibbs Reservation link below or the phone number: (210) 933-2000
All rooms will be $129 per night, reserved individually and will be paid by the individual guests.
Please let us know if you need any assistance with the links Below:
105 N. Alamo St, San Antonio, TX 78205
Ph: (210) 933-2000 | Fax: (210) 933-2001
Hotel Gibbs Reservation's Page — Long Thahn North VeteransUpon check in, guests will be asked to provide their ID and a major credit card; additionally,
Valet Parking is $34 a day and comes with unlimited In and Out Privileges.
Hotel Gibbs is a luxury boutique hotel conveniently located in Downtown San Antonio across from the Alamo and steps from the main entrance to the famous River Walk. Use the SWAY link above to register.
Lee Ayers, Reunion Coordinator
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinator, Lee Ayers (28 March 2022):
If you want to attend this years reunion in San Antonio, Texas on April 28th thru May 1st please note that the deadline to get the reduced rate is April 15th. We will be touring the Alamo, Riverwalk, and the Buckhorn hall of horns and Texas Ranger Museum. The banquet Saturday night will be a BBQ dinner catered by the hotel and has a variety of meats and sides. We have 15 reservations so far and would like to see more of you if possible. If I’m being annoying, sorry. Just want to get the info to as many as possible.
Here is the reservation link and our point of contact for the hotel: The reservation can be made at either the link in this email or the phone number: (210) 933-2000
All Guest Rooms can be reserved utilizing the Reservation Page or the Booking Link below. All rooms will be reserved individually and will be paid by the individual guests.
Upon check in, guests will be asked to provide their ID and a major credit card; additionally, Valet Parking is $34 a day and comes with unlimited In and Out Privileges.
Please let us know if you need any assistance with the Links Below:
Hotel Gibbs Reservation's Page - Long Than North Military ReunionThanks, Lee
Hotel Gibbs is a luxury boutique hotel conveniently located in Downtown San Antonio across from the Alamo and steps from the main entrance to the famous River Walk. Built at the turn of the… Go to this Sway
Reservation Form Link: Long Than North Reservation Form (see blue link above in main body of original announcement).
“We look forward to hosting your guests and please contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thanks, Ernest Ernest Reyna | Director of Sales
105 N. Alamo St | San Antonio, TX | 78205
Ph: (210) 933-2000 | Fax: (210) 933-2001
Web: | Email: ”
LTN Reunion, Branson, Missouri October 21–23, 2021:
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinator, Lee Ayers:
A few people said they didn’t get this info so I am sending it again. Sorry if it’s a repeat.
We have many options on things to do that will follow soon.
The reunion is set to start on October 21st through the 24th (depart on the 24th), in Branson Missiuri, At the Hotel Grand Victorian. They will hold the block of rooms for us until September 7th. You must call to get the reduced rate listed below Their phone nnumber is: 417-336-2935 and the code is 0627. Cindy is the group contact.
I am contacting the Chamber of Commerce to get some information on events and shows we can attend. More to follow on that. They are going to comp the Parlor and Suite for us to use as a meeting place. The one thing we did last time was the Showboat Branson Belle. They have a good show, some side shows, and a full meal with the lake cruse on the Branson Belle. If you would be interested in that please let me know and I’ll see what kind of price I can get for the group. Individual tickets are $59, so I’ll see if we can get a reduction on that. I’ll need to know how many tickets so please respond about that.
The rate will be $89.95 per night for rooms and the stay can be changed to be extended or shortened to fit your individual needs.
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinator, Lee Ayers: (August 4, 2021)
Here is what we have to date. Still trying to get a deal on the Branson Belle boat cruise. No covid outbreak in Branson. Springfield has some infections but mostly the newer variant in younger adults. Lee:Proposed Agenda 2021 Long Thanh North Reunion, Branson, MO
Wednesday, October 20:
For those arriving early, we are going to Ozark, MO to have dinner at Lambert’s Restaurant. You can view the menu at We will carpool there.
Thursday, October 21:
Michael Meyer has secured free tickets for our group to see The Oak Ridge Boys in concert at The Mansion Theatre. Show begins at 8 p.m. and we will carpool . We plan to have food delivered to the hotel before the show so that we can all eat together. We will take orders and let you know the menu and cost beforehand.
Friday, October 22:
Dinner and a show aboard The Branson Belle. It’s a paddlewheel boat. We will need reservations, More information to follow.
Saturday, October 23:
Banquet dinner at the hotel.
Cocktails and appetizers at 5:30
Dinner at 7. Lily’s will be catering the event. They give military discounts and will have a menu and final cost soon. We will need reservations. Gene Bicknell, entrepreneur, pilot and owner of The Mansion will be our guest speaker.
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinator, Lee Ayers: (August 21, 2021)
I checked with the hotel and we currently have 21 rooms reserved at The Grand Victorian Hotel. They are having no major Covid issues in the Branson area or Springfield as was previously reported. As of this date, we are expecting to have the 2021 Reunion as planned but I will try to keep up with the situation and let you know of any changes. The lady (Cindy) that we have been working with has a daughter who is a nurse in Springfield so she has a pretty good feel for what is going on in the area. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.
Also, I would like to know how many world like hats for this years reunion. I’m thinking of either something like the Red, White, and Blue ones from the DC reunion or a camouflage cap with the flag and our LTN logo. Let me know if you want one so I can get those ordered.
Thanks to all,
LTN Reunion, San Antonio, Texas, September 17–20, 2020:
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinator, Lee Ayers:
On May 29, 2020, at 11:12, Lee Ayers wrote:
FYI, the reunion has been moved to next year and the 4 reservations already made will be moved as well. Better safe than sorry!!
LeeThis is the acknowledgement from Hotel Gibbs:Lee Ayers
“Good Morning Lee,
Thanks for reaching out regarding your Reunion.
I can completely understand with the uncertaintiy of this thing right now.
We will cancel this years reunion and reschedule for 2021. There is no penalties or fees associated with doing this, just so you know.
I will transfer the room block and any current reservations to the 2021 time frame. Once we have done that, I will send you a new agreement with the updated dates so we can have for both our records.”
2020 Reunion Coordinator
Lee’s email address for questions or comments
Click on the link to make your reservations online:
Upon check in, guests will be asked to provide their ID and a major credit card; additionally,
Valet Parking is $20 a day and comes with unlimited In and Out Privileges.
Hotel Gibbs is a luxury boutique hotel conveniently located in Downtown San Antonio across from the Alamo and steps from the main entrance to the famous River Walk.
LTN Reunion, Washington, DC, September 13–15, 2019:
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinators (update 10 March 2019):
Hello from Kansas City. I am forwarding information for our 2019 Vietnam Reunion to be held in Washington, DC on September 13, 14 and 15, 2019.
Del and Paula Hardiman with be our hosts and have been working hard to plan an excellent reunion and sightseeing trip.
Del has asked me to forward this information to all the folks on our current roster. The names and addresses and other data has been compiled from previous reunions and websites and from veterans trying to locate friends. All Companies who served at Tan Son Nhut or Long Thanh Army Air Field are invited. I've tried to include the Company number on the roster. If your information has changed or is incorrect, please let me know and I'll make changes. If you have questions about the 2019 reunion, please contact Del or visit one of the websites he provided.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our nation's capitol.
Barbara and Mike (1970-71) Meyer
Important Reunion Documents: (Update 9 August)

2019 Long Thanh RVN Reunion Initial
2019 Long Thanh RVN Reunion Registration Letter from Coordinator
2019 Long Thanh RVN Reunion Registration Form
“Greetings from your Reunion Committee!
We wanted to bring you up-to-date and ask for your assistance. We have received 8 room reservations at the Sheraton Pentagon City. To make reservations, call 703–521–1900 and press option 1 for reservations. You can also call 1–800–325–3535 (which is the main reservation number) and say you are with the Long Thanh Reunion. You will be entitled to the discounted rate of $125.00 plus tax per day. If you have any questions or problems making hotel reservations, send an email to Barbara for help.
To date, 11 people have made reservations with the Armed Forces Reunions, Inc. I will attach the form that needs to be submitted [see last link above]. You can do this by mail and include a check, or you can email the form and use a credit card to reserve your spot on our tours and sign up for the banquet dinner on Saturday night, September 14. Again, if you have questions or problems, let us know. Once you are registered, you can go to the Armed Forces Reunion site and use the pull down at top for the list of attendees.
While the actual deadline for registering is later, we would appreciate getting a count on how many will be attending this year's reunion in order to book the tour buses and tour guides. The hotel reservation can be cancelled within 48 hours of arrival date and the Reunion Service can be cancelled up to August 15.
There have been questions regarding the date of the reunion. In the first email, it lists the date as September 10 through 15. The actual reunion activities begin Friday morning with a tour with folks arriving Thursday. Del was able to reserve rooms for us beginning on Tuesday, September 10, for anyone wanting to arrive early to go sightseeing or mingle with fellow veterans.
Please help us out by getting your reservations made as soon as possible. If you’re coming by air, please remember to use Reagan National Airport (DCA).
Questions? Feel free to contact us. We’re here to help and want to make this reunion the best one yet!
Del Hardiman—571–212–3873
Barbara Meyer—913–469–8670
Greetings once again!
For those who have yet to register for the Long Thanh North Reunion, we are attaching copies of the AFRI registration form for your convenience [see Important Reunion Documents above, which contains the necessary forms]. You can choose either form which best suits you, they are both the same. Tours and meal tickets come with your packet at the hotel. Remember to make hotel reservations separately which is spelled out on this form. Thanks. Hope to see you there. Any questions, please call me at 571–212–3873 or Barbara Meyer at 913–469–8670.
The Hotel is holding our rooms at the reduced price until August 13. After that date, the rooms will be at the standard rate, subject to availability.
This is the direct link to the AFRI Reunion site, if this is more convenient:

Dupont, Washington, September 28–30, 2018
From Long Thanh North Reunion Coordinator (Final): (update 1 September 2018)
Chris and Carolyn Guppy have prepared the final reunion arrangement and it is now posted here as a PDF file. These type files are useful for copying, printing and storing in yout smart phone or computers. Please send an email to our coordinators and answer the questions provided just above their signature block:
CAC Attendees (email the editor to add your name)
NOTE: I believe there is a plan in the works for the ladies to make a trip to Seattle’s Pike Street Market, a very nice treat, indeed!
- Jack “Beetle” Bailey, Maj, AV, and CDR , USNR Ret. and Maj Susan E. Gassaway, USA Nurse Corps, Ret.
- William “Bill” Campbell, CAC 1971–72

I was at CAC from January 1970 until January 1971. The commander of CAC [LTC Robert Bayne] came to the replacement company at Bien Hoa and recruited me. I wasn’t dual rated at the time, although I had some T–42 time. CWO Ken Dumas transitioned me into U–21. I ended up as Aircraft Commander (AC) and Assitant Operations Officer. This was my second tour. First tour was flying O–1s for a Special Forces B team at Hon Quan in 1966 and 1967.
CPT John D. Jones

I just visited the Long Trip website and would like to rejoin the company. My name is Donovan (Don) Lewis. As an 0–3, I became an AC with Command Aircraft Company during the summer of 1972, after my unit, the First Signal Brigade Aviation Detachment, stood down and was folded into the Command Aircraft Company. We moved from Long Than North to Tan Son Nhut while I was on R&R. When I returned from leave I became a Long Tripper. I passed my AC checkride and flew as a Long Tripper AC until my tour was up in December of 1972.
Don Lewis

Deceased: Gary L. Salisbury, CAC, June 1970—June 1971, Mineral Wells, Texas, 20 April 2018:

With condolences to his family and friends, we announce the death of Gary L. Salisbury, 20 April 2018. His obituary is posted at his roster line.
SP5 Richard (Rick) Berrish, July 1969 – July 1970, checked in yesterday. He is now on the roster, and he sent a photo from 1969:

Deceased: William P. "Bill" Stewart, CAC, 1968—1969, Colonial Heights, Virginia, 1 August 2018:
With condolences to his family and friends, we announce the death of MAJ (LTC retired) Bill Stewart, 1 August 2018. His obituary is posted at his roster line.

Deceased: Terje “Terry” Singdahlsen, CAC, June 1971–April 1972, died 27 December 2005, Oslo, Norway:
Comments: Editor: Terry Singdahlsen came to my attention via an inquiry from a Noreigen historian seeking information about his US Army service in Vietnam, and Terry was added to the roster following the comments received below. Don Ricks
I was a member of CAC September of 71 to September of 72. Terry and I had a common interest, we both had a Scandinavian heritage. My parents immigrated from Denmark and of course a Terry was from Norway. I remember Terry was given a job one day to scrounge some air conditioners . He was given a Duce and a half truck and a couple of enlisted men. He return later in the day with truck full of window air conditioners, many with no electrical plugs! The driver said they would drive down back alleys and Terry and the other EM would yank the units out of the back walls of bars and stores and then take off like hell! Terry was a real character, always happy and fun loving. I can’t remember if we were in Long Thanh or the Morgue at Tan Son Nhat.
CW4 Larry A Pedersen
US Army Retired
Thought you should know, I remember Terry Singdahlsen. I was in flight ops from late 1970 thru March 1972 and was sent home when we moved from Long Than to Saigon. One reason I remember him was I had trouble with his last name spelling. Not certain about his arrival date but do know it was in 71. I was on leave when the unit picks were taken in 71 so I missed them and he may have arrived around then. Have a good day and say Hi to everyone.
SP5 Ken Groves
Terry did serve with us at Long Thanh North. Don’t remember when he arrived. I arrived at Long Thanh in June 1971 and left in April 1972 after we had moved to Tan Son Nhat in April 1972.
What a “Rogue’s Gallery” this address group is! [response followed an email to the group from Terry’s period of service. Don Ricks]
Hi Jerry, Grant, Woody, Larry! Turn up the transponder, Snake, then go man the 4–Deuce mortar
Tommie Brown
Yep, Terje “Terry” Singdahlsen served in CAC following graduation from flight school of June 29, 1971 and U–21 qualification. Terry, was a member of the last initial entry fixed wing class 71–17, of which I was the Class Leader.
Jerry Jensen

Deceased: Lynn Harlan Hayes, CAC, December 1968—December 1969, Sierra Vista, Arizona, 2 January 2019:
Sad to hear. Paula remembers LTC Hayes well, she remembered him as a nice person. Please pass on our condolences to his wife Billie.
Del and Paula Hardiman
Thank you for sharing. I am very sorry I had to cancel out on the Longtrip reunion a couple years ago when Lynn tried to get me to join them and my friend Welch Agnew attended. I was Lynn’s TAC Officer in his OCS class and then flew with him in Saigon. Quite a great guy. He will be missed!
Gerry Long
Thanks. I spent many hours in the U-21 and the C-12 with Lynn. He will be missed.
Lynn’s obituary can be found at the Hatfield Funeral Home, Sierra Vista, Arizona
Carl Norrris
(Warlord 16)
Deceased: Charles S. Kettles, CAC, October 1969—October 1970, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 21 January 2019:
Longtripper checkin: February 2019
My name is Merlin Widup. I was assigned to CAC from June 1970 to January 1971. I was a Specialist 4 and I did aircraft maintenance including run-up and engine repair.
You list a Steve Chapman on your site, and Steve trained me on engine run–up and engine tuning. Sorry to see that he has passed on. I also worked with a guy by the name of Thomas Rizer. Have tried to locate him several times, but haven't found him yet.
I was surprised to find this web site when I was doing some web browsing. I see several names that are on the site that were there during my tour. Thank you all for putting the site in place, brings back a few good memories.
When I returned to the states I was stationed in a unit called HUMRO at Ft. Rucker. I mustered out from there in September 1972. I was a Specialist 5 at that time.
Merlin Widup [Merlin is on the roster and we have his email]
I have attached another patch associated with CAC. This patch was approved in January of 1971 for the engine crew at CAC. I left there medivac around the end of January and never had a chance to add it to my uniform. Thought it might jog someones memory as well.
I also include a picture of me outside my hooch. Thanks to you and everyone involved in putting this website out there.
Merl Widup

Deceased: Richard Warren Snell, CPT, CAC, June 1970—22 June 1971, Shady Grove, Oregon, 7 May 2011:
Richard Warren Snell served two tours in Vietnam, first with the Big Red One (1st Infantry Divisio)n, and the Command Aircraft Company. During his first tour he earned the Silver Star, Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB), a Bronze Star, Purple Heart and the normal Vietnam war service medals. After his second tour, Richard leftthe army and worked in the insurance business in Californbia and Oregon. When and obituary is available we will post it at this location:
One of the most laid–back men I recall serving with: CPT Curtis B. Harvey, Platoon Commander, served from September 1969 to September 1970:
Since over the last few days Curtis located a photo of CPT Dick Snell for the above article, I asked if he had a photo of himself for the roster. He sent two excellent one I proudly want to share:

Deceased: Nickita P. ‘Nick’ Krivorchuck, Jr., LTC, Retired, CAC, June 1970—22 April 1971, Philadelphia, PA, 26 June 2014:

Deceased: Lawrence Edward “Skip” McGranahan, II, Colonel, Retired, CAC, 1970—1971, Coweta, Oklahoma, 1 October 2016:
Deceased: John Thomas “Tom” Dismukes, Jr., CAC, 1970—1971, Auto Accident near Athens, Texas, 24 October 1985: (26 February)
A concerted effort to determine the circumstances of the death of John Thomas Dismukes, Jr., began with several of his former friends having a growing and disturbing lack of closure regarding Tom's vaguely reported death in Texas in 1985. Thus started the search as they agreed and wanted answers. That quest ended today when Curtis Harvey visited a well–known genealogy site to copy and send the following documents to share with all. Belated condolences to Tom's family is our sincere feeling for a man whose style and manner made it so easy to enjoy his company:

Deceased: Roy Carlisle Riddle, CAC, 1970—1971, Tohake, Texas, 24 March 2010: (28 February)

Deceased: LTC (Retired) Robert Paul Ware, CAC, 1970—1971, 27 June 2018, Emerson, Arkansas: (28 February)

Deceased: LTC (Retired) Charles Kenny Fender, CAC 1968, 14 March 2019, Jasper, Alabama: (27 March)
Deceased: CW4 (Retired) Sam Preston Fant, CAC 1969–70, 10 August 2018, West Columbia, South Carolina: (30 March)

Deceased: CW4 (Retired) James Wilborne Mason, CAC 1969–70, 3 Auguat 2020, Texarkana, Texas: (5 December)

Deceased: MAJ Robert P. Caron, USARV Flt Det 1967, 26 May 2021, Fort Walton Beach, Florida: (19 Dec 21)
I received a notice from Don Nicholson, who is very faithful at helping record Longtrip happenings, especially published obituary/death notices such as this [Reposting of credited post by VHPA, all rights reserved]:Don, I saw this in the VHPA Magazine. Their original posting had the wrong picture. They sent out a correction late and I cut and pasted it, so what you have is correct. I did search my files for the information you had asked for that was provided by Major Royce could not find anything. I see you did post information that I should have had but I must have misplaced my copy. I am sure going to try and make the San Antonio Reunion this year. Nick [Nicholson]

MAJ Robert "Bob" P. Caron was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 05/26/2021 at the age of 96.1 from Accident
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Flight Class 57-3
Date of Birth 04/29/1925 [Incorrect information]
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 147 ASHC in 65-66, MACV FLT DET in 66-67, AIR AMERICA SAIGON in 67-68, AIR AMERICA THAILAND in 68-73, AIR AMERICA SAIGON in 73-75 Call sign in Vietnam HILLCLIMBER
This information was provided by Larry Ford / newspaper
More detail on this person: Fort Walton Beach veteran known for daring rooftop rescues killed in car collision Jim Thompson Northwest Florida Daily News FORT WALTON BEACH - Bob Caron, the pilot of the Air America helicopter featured in an iconic news photograph of the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War, died early Wednesday in a traffic accident. He was 88 years old. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, Caron was driving an SUV eastbound on Carmel Drive approaching Beal Parkway at about 3 a.m. when he struck a car traveling in front of him. After the impact with the car, Caron's SUV hit a tree, and he died from his injuries. Caron's story:Helicopter pilot in iconic Vietnam photo says full story still unfolding The 26-year-old man driving the car struck by Caron and a 25-year-old woman passenger suffered minor injuries. The April 29,1975, image captured by United Press International photographer Hubert van Es was among the last pictures sent out of Saigon as the city fell to North Vietnamese forces, effectively ending America's controversial years-long involvement in Vietnam. But it wasn't until some years later, as the result of investigative work by People magazine - which included examination of other photographs taken that day and some expert analysis - that it was proved conclusively that van Es had photographed Caron's helicopter. In an August 2020 interview with the Northwest Florida Daily News, Caron recounted the circumstances surrounding the photograph. He estimated there were 15 people aboard the helicopter when it lifted off the roof of the Pittman Building, home to some of the few Americans remaining in Saigon. "We just stuffed them in," said Caron, who was at the controls of the helicopter along with a co-pilot, Jack Hunter. In all that day, Caron guessed that he flew 150 people to safety at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, where they would board larger helicopters to be flown to American ships just off the coast. Caron and Hunter had been sent to the Pittman Building to evacuate a high-ranking South Vietnamese official and his family, but as word got out that a helicopter was coming, dozens of other South Vietnamese raced to the building for a chance to evacuate. The van Es photo shows some of those people clambering toward the helicopter. Air America's work to evacuate Saigon had begun days before Caron found himself fluttering dangerously above the Pittman Building. As information that the end was near began to circulate, pilots for Air America - a supposedly private air transport company that, in reality, was an instrument of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency - flew across the city testing rooftops for their ability to hold a helicopter and accommodate passenger loading. Suitable rooftops were marked with an "X" to guide pilots flying evacuation missions, Caron said in the 2020 interview, but "suitable" was often a relative concept. For instance, Caron said that landing on the roof of the Pittman Building put his helicopter dangerously close to ventilation pipes and other obstructions which, if the helicopter had struck them, could have had disastrous consequences. Caron, a New York native and a 1956 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, served initially in Vietnam as an Army pilot who, while the war was still going on, became part of Air America. Throughout the Vietnam War, as with the Korean War and the Cold War, pilots and crew members with the government-owned corporation were used in countless covert operations. The work in Vietnam, Caron said, was very hush-hush, with instructions to pilots and crew members often being little more than "go there, meet so-and-so, and do what he tells you." There was little doubt about what was going on at Air America in Vietnam, not the least because its offices were located right alongside military flight units at Tan Son Nhut Air Base just outside Saigon. "Everybody knew. It wasn't a secret," Caron said in the interview last year from his home, where the decor included a color painting based on the black-and-white UPI photo. Air America closed its doors in 1976 and Caron returned to the Army after eight years with the company to complete 20 years of military service. He came back to the United States in 1985 to serve as director of contract administration for an aviation company. He subsequently went to Indonesia to work for another aviation services firm, and closed out his long career in the air by flying aircraft for the government of Lee County, Florida. At some point before his death, Caron had noted military author Lewis Sorley write a statement to be delivered to his West Point classmates at his death. The statement details Caron's military career - he earned 11 Air Medals, two Army Commendation Medals and held the Master Army Aviator and Parachute badges - along with his exploits with Air America and in the civilian arena. April 29, 1975, gets scant mention in the document, with Caron remembering it as "a sad, horrific day" and calling the evacuation of Saigon "utter chaos." On many flights to Tan Son Nhut Air Base from Saigon, his tiny UH-1 "Huey" helicopter was loaded with up to 20 passengers, the document notes. In his later years, Caron became involved in efforts to have Air America employees made eligible for federal retirement benefits. During the company's existence, the CIA worked hard to maintain the fiction that Air America was a private company. As part of the ruse, the agency kept its employees off federal pension rolls, apparently to eliminate any hint of a paper trail that might link Air America to the U.S. government and its top intelligence agency. For young Air America employees like Caron - he was in his 30s at the time - in the midst of the Vietnam War, whether or not they were going to one day be eligible for a federal pension wasn't much of a consideration. "We never gave it a thought," he said. "We were told to fly." And fly they did. Caron remembers one 16-hour stretch when he didn't leave his helicopter. "I didn't even pee," he joked. The long hours also were punctuated by danger. Caron was shot down once, and he remembered one incident when a mission's departure route took him directly across an array of anti-aircraft guns. And, since those dangerous missions were undertaken on behalf of the U.S. government, Caron and other Air America personnel came to believe that they were entitled to federal pension benefits. Their case was bolstered a decade ago when unclassified CIA documents confirmed that Air America personnel were, in fact, federal government employees. In the intervening years, there have been some legislative efforts in Congress to get benefits to them and their survivors. In February of this year, U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wisconsin, introduced the Air America Act in the House aimed at accomplishing that goal. The bill was the subject of a House Oversight and Reform Committee meeting on Tuesday. It's 106 co-sponsors include a bipartisan group of 13 of Florida's 27 House members. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Fort Walton Beach, who represents much of Northwest Florida, is among them. Funeral arrangements for Caron are being handled by Trahan Family Funeral Home in Milton. The arrangements had not been completed as of Friday afternoon.
This information was last updated 05/29/2021
Please send additions or corrections to: VHPA Headquarters
Date posted on this site: 01/16/2022

Deceased: William “Tom” Paul, USAF Weather Det 1969–1970, 5 July 2022, Navarre, Florida: (14 Jan 23)
[From Del Hardiman, husband of Paula Hardiman, CAC Secretary, 1969–72]
Wanted you to know that sadly Tom Paul (William “Tom” Paul December 19, 1948–July 5, 2022), our Air Force weatherman passed away July 5th in Navarre, Fl after prolonged illness. He and his wife ‘Thanh’ who he met at Long Than were married over 50 years. His wife and family, two daughters and son were with him when he passed. Tom retired from the USAF in 1995 as Chief Master Sergeant but continued with many projects such as entertaining with his karaoke to numerous states throughout the years. For 20 years he sponsored a charity event for Cystic Fibrosis in which well know sports figures would attend. He was always rebuilding old cars, a favorite hobby. Additionally, he spent time helping his grandsons attain their Eagle Scout rank, camping and instructing the scouts. A funeral was held in Navarre, FL on July 15 and on November 3rd another funeral at the Old Chapel, Arlington National Cemetery. Tom was laid to rest at Arlington with full military (USAF) honors.